You will not find a more 2000s game than this. Simple Plan and Smash Mouth on the soundtrack. A partnership with Nokia cell phones. Some of the most butt ugly fucking character designs ever in the Olliewood stage. Incredibly, incredibly aged but that's half the fun. There were a lot of bad Pro Skater knockoffs in the early 2000s - this wasn't one of them.

This game has one of the most stellar stories you'll find in gaming, with great character-based storytelling and chemistry between the two main characters. The gameplay leaves something to be desired, there's times where it gets a little slow paced and even the most suspenseful of moments struggle with awkward gameplay mechanics. The story ultimately overshadows it, though, and this is worth playing just for how engaged you'll be with the characters alone.

A Crash Bandicoot ripoff done right. The Nightmare Before Christmas-like environment is cool as hell and the gameplay is solid.

I'm not even kidding when I say that from ages 6 to 10, Club Penguin was a fucking lifestyle. I took days off school to level up on Card Jitsu, we had class-wide discussions on the debut of the fucking orange puffle. I went on those stupid tracker sites to see when Billy Bob of the Penguin Band was online. In one of my most most evil childhood moments, I stole the code off a puffle plushie my friend got for his birthday to use on my account, because I guess cart surfing for those same coins just didn't cut it. I didn't fuck around with my love for Club Penguin, and may it rest in peace.

🎵 I flew through rings today, to see if I still feel...I focus on those rings, the only thing that's real. 🎵

7 year old me played the absolute shit out of this. Bring it fucking on, Looney Unicycles. A shameless Mario Party clone but probably one of the best.

Singlehandedly changed video game history by introducing the greatest character in all of mankind, Big the Cat.

Perhaps the most highbrow and sophisticated of soundtracks.

Took me a bit to get into the drastically different form of gameplay compared to the previous Ratchet and Clank games but Deadlocked goes hard if you give it a chance.

Countless hours spent on this. It's admittedly not one of the best theme park / coaster games, but its incredibly 2000s soundtrack and its nostalgic vibes are just too much for me to give anything less than a four star rating for.

Wish I could have liked this more but an eh story mode mixed with the game crashing so often it corrupted my save file...that kinda dampers things.

A fucking masterpiece. Includes just the right amount of necessary mango references.

In an era where there were 10,000 dance game clones, Boogie is an enigmatic marvel of awful proportions and stands out as one of the drizzling-liest of shits.

No joke - I got this game in 2009 for successfully getting through surgery as a kid. I was rewarded with a game so memorably bizarre that it's become a meme since. This game literally has a LAUGH TRACK in it and is about collecting bobbleheads and mind control. You throw pastries at enemies. There is a remote-controlled fly that you guide through air vents. Cory in the House is truly an experience, and I'm not even joking. Play this. You'll never forget it.