Fun for a bit, levels feel way too long and it wears out its welcome pretty quickly.

An easy trophy game you can 100% in 15 minutes. That's about it.

Easy trophies. Plays like a Shockwave flash game from 2008. Lame.

The king of quarantine era boredom.

Play this every now and then if I'm really, really bored. Probably works better as a mobile game but it's not bad at all.

A Crash Bandicoot ripoff done right. The Nightmare Before Christmas-like environment is cool as hell and the gameplay is solid.

bro just look at those models, heinous stuff

Goes waaaay harder than it has any right to. Still plays really well today. I've played this game on and off since I was like 4, and finally got around to beating it for the first time last year. One of the better licensed games I've played.

The main takeaway from this game I haven't played in over a decade is that they put the most pitiful, cheaply made white sparkly glove in the case.

One of my all-time favorite games as a kid. Played the shit out of this so much that my disc was heavily scratched and it took 15 minutes just to select something. God help anybody who played me instant action mode if I got the chance to play as Darth Maul in Coruscant.

Jackbox downgrades from the 7th party pack with a mid #8. The Wheel and Job Job are two of the best games in Jackbox, but The Poll Mine is absolutely grasping for straws and Weapons Drawn gets looong.

Jackbox does it again. Certified classics in literally all of these.

Probably one of the best Jackboxes. Every game is a certified classic other than Dictionarium, which is the mandatory "bad game" of each good Jackbox pack.