The best SpongeBob game hands down, I bet my sock collection on it.

Despite the legendary Bandido Chinchilla, unfinished coasters that people parachute into lakes off of, and literal emotionless robots strolling through your park, this lacks the heart of the original and doesn't go nearly as hard.

Countless hours spent on this. It's admittedly not one of the best theme park / coaster games, but its incredibly 2000s soundtrack and its nostalgic vibes are just too much for me to give anything less than a four star rating for.

A true story: When I was 9 or 10, I got this game and sucked at it. I couldn't get the hang of it as much as I tried. On New Year's Eve, I remember my mom mastering "Slow Ride" by Foghat and I stormed out of the room in a big huff, promising myself I'd do whatever it took to become a true Master of Rock. The next day, I fucking killed "Story of My Life" by Social Distortion, and that's why today, I am proud to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2023.

In an era where there were 10,000 dance game clones, Boogie is an enigmatic marvel of awful proportions and stands out as one of the drizzling-liest of shits.

Still think about this shameless Cooking Mama clone a lot for some reason. Eh.

Got this at a dollar store to keep me less bored on a road trip as a kid. Surprisingly memorable, but really short.

The definitive "I'm bored and I have nothing else to play" game.

Absolutely one of the worst PS games there is.

"Here's the deal, Airto. You give me information and I won't send you to immigration."

A decent Banjo Kazooie tribute but I got sick of it after a while. Doesn't really keep you invested.

Wish I could have liked this more but an eh story mode mixed with the game crashing so often it corrupted my save file...that kinda dampers things.

One of the most nostalgic games in my collection.