God I've played this game way too much. I hate that I love it and I really don't wanna think about how much money paradox got outta my pockets for this thing.
That being said, I'll prolly keep playing EU4 for like another 10 years or something.

Baldur's Gate, especially Shadows of Amn, is probably one of the most formative games in my youth. I would probably be a pretty different person were it not for this adventure.

I'm not a huge fan of the new characters from Beamdog (except Dorn, he's perfect), but I can't deny that the quality of life improvements are nice. NGL tho, I do still kinda prefer the original version, but I'm glad this exists so newer players can enjoy it too.

Back in highschool I probably put over 2000 hours into this game in LAN parties. Absolute gem. Definitive Edition did the Mayans dirty tho

I never seem to be able to find the time to finish a playthrough before I forget what I was doing and start over, despite having been playing this game since I was in elementary. Game scares the piss outta me in a way I love.


Pretty chill. I keep coming back to it from time to time to solve a couple of puzzles. Nothing special but very relaxing

If you played Baldur's Gate and wanted another grand sweeping adventure with interesting characters and a lore heavy story with lots of depth... play Planescape Torment instead, this is basically just one big dungeon crawl with the same game engine as Baldur's Gate.
That being said tho, it's kinda fun to use ID as a way to test out ridiculous party builds with all the class kits that none of the NPCs use.

This game is janky as hell, but endearingly so. Compared to the first game, the controls and UI generally feels worse and less intuitive, but at least you can actually control your entire party without any mods. Tho, the frequency at which enemies run right past your front line, taking a bunch of opportunity attacks in the process, in order to punch your spellcasters is kinda annoying. But hey, at least the storytelling in the modules in 2 is generally better than in 1.

The general takeaway between NWN 1 and 2 is this: 1 is better for co-op, and 2 is better for single-player.

Literally just UFO Defense but better and harder.
And scarier.

I have thalassophobia and loved this shit. 9/10, would piss my wetsuit again

NGL this one doesn't scare me as much as the first game did. The map in this game just feels a bit more cramped. The really deep caves still do feel rather claustrophobic too and getting your seatruck stuck on rocks and vines is the biggest frustration I had. It's still really fun though with a very pretty setting and lots of new stuff to explore, tho I was often a bit disappointed with how many plants and minerals I couldn't scan and how few plants I could take samples of.
Despite that, I still can't wait to see what the devs are able to do with a new engine for the next game.

Had a blast playing this co-op with my bf. OS 2 still blows this one out of the water in every conceivable way, but hey, its still fun.

An absolute blast to play co-op, and does everything the first game did, just better.
If you don't spend the first hour of the game with a bucket on your head, you're missing out.