This is the only CoD game I enjoyed at all tbh, and even then it was just the game my buddies pulled out at LAN parties when they got bored with Halo cuz it was "too slow paced" for them. Meh.

MW2 was better. Too repetitive

Let's be real, most of us played this game just to run around and kick cars into the ocean

It's really hard to play the original now after beamdog upgraded the engine with all the cool new shit from shadows of amn for the enhanced edition. It makes the original feel really barebones by comparison.
NGL tho, I really have no idea how many times I beat this game.

Controversial opinion - I like this one better than any of the sequels, yes, even more than 2.
It's really the only AC game that was difficult. All the others are just way too easy to really be fun for me.

It's good, but all the new tools and more polite enemies who wait in line for you to stab them just kinda ended up making AC 2 a lot easier than the original. Sure you feel like a badass killing 15 dudes on a bridge but at least in the first game you were usually forced to run away if you got outnumbered. Decent story of revenge and all that tho.

Brotherhood continued the trend of just making the AC games easier and easier. Stealth only felt mandatory when the quests demanded you to be stealthy, otherwise it was too trivial to just run around and leave a bodycount larger than Simo Häyhä's.
Interesting story tho.

This is the one that killed AC for me. The stupid tower defense game that it forced you to do all the time was lame. I mean, what kind of assassin organization has full blown battles with the Ottomans in the streets of their own capital city? It's supposed to be a secret society. Couldn't finish it.

I get why most long time fans don't like it. It's a completely different genre from the previous 2 games. But taken on its own, its still a goofy game thats fun to mess around with. Had a lot of fun making weird contraptions to try to beat challenges in unconventional ways and I love that the game treats every strategy as equally valid.
It's certainly nothing memorable but it is a fun time killer.

This is the version of carmageddon that my mom let me play as a kid

This is literally a puzzle game with explosions. It was great fun as a kid, probably only about 2 hours of gameplay now

Objectively speaking, Skyrim really is kinda overhyped. But something really has to be said for the sheer volume of stuff that there is to explore in Bethesda games and how good it feels to explore all of that stuff, to delve into forgotten ruins and seek lost treasures and discover eldritch horrors. As a roleplaying game though, it never really felt right to do all of those things in one playthrough, and the writing of many of the subplots seems to agree with that premise, that you'll dedicate a whole separate character to each arc. I'd say that that is kindof a failing on the part of the writing team to not craft a cohesive narrative across the subplots but eh well, they did rope me into over a thousand hours of exploring the tundras and forests of Skyrim so I guess they did something right.
Hell, I've even tried getting into glitchless speedruns of this game. I'm not particularly competitive by any means, but with a current personal best of 5.5 hours I think that's pretty alright. Works well as a party trick at LAN parties too.

I played this a lot as a kid, enough to complete every single bit of content the game had multiple times over. Going back though, it feels like its aged pretty poorly. Still one of the best NFS games, but damn, that's not really saying much since the series kinda peaked with Underground.
Hot Pursuit 2 definitely contributed to my taste in music tho.

John Freeman who is Gordon Freemans brother has to do what has to be done and help Gordon Freemen defeat the enemys