This is simply a game that'll separate the boys from the men

about as fun as cleaning up fresh dogshit in your backyard using the most thin paper towel imaginable

gaming will never surpass the peter griffin beat em up levels

the best crash bandicoot game :)

yea, it's about as good as everyone says it is lol

pure definition of a love hate relationship

don't listen to twitter this game sucks butt

i've never played a game more hilariously incompetent and lazy in my life

this game sucks, but i love it anyways

this game made me realize that maybe this series isn't actually so good after all

wish this game clicked with me like it did for many other people, but idk it's just kind of whatever to me i've played way better platformers than this imo

as of march 12th of 2024 this is the only paper mario game i've beaten, i really need to change that asap

i waited over 10 years for a new strikers and in return i get a game with 10 characters and 5 stages that have no gimmicks, suck my dick nintendo

the penis car i made that was able to shoot out eggs was the most enjoyment i got from this very boring game