I swear this was the only functional Kinect game, and was decently fun

never committed to learning tricks, but doing the silly bone breaking challenges were peak for me

Only time I played this was with my brother and his friends who have also never touched the game before. It's a pretty fun party game with alright mini games!

For me, CoD peaked at BO3, and this "future" gear and jetpack made PvP ass. Decent campaign thought

hats were the best part of this game, mid platformer

it was cute whilst it lasted, then I got generally bored of it. But hey, it was still fun whilst it lasted

Great ds version of SMB, great power ups with the hold one per level idea, and wonderful music. Multiplayer with the mini games is simply unforgettable. On rare occasions, my wife and I will play together on this. Absolute banger overall


One of the only games my grandma put me on, and its addicting. Pretty good music, satisfying sound effects, followed with a easy game loop. Shoot the corresponding colors, and hit a fat chain

Not only did my mother not fuck with this, neither did I