I went for 100%-ing this on Steam, and it was a hassle. Grabbing a Steam guide and following it through to find secret/rare enemies is a bitch, ngl. Also another thing that's a bitch is I get that some NPCs, specifically the girl dancing around the fountain, tells you hints on what/how to progress next. But the thing is she didn't mention to me that I needed a Rosetta Stone to learn the Luna-fucking village's language, which CAME from a chest AROUND the area I defeated the crystal's boss was at. I legit was confused going to Dr Unne and wondering why the fuck it didn't let me progress. I DO have to include that vent because the first installment reminds me a lot of A Link to The Past. An older game that is simple in design, but hard to follow along is progression. Not no boomer shit of "oh i need 18 arrows and a exclamation mark all over my HUD" but a "you SHOULD check this area out wink wink". baby me, idgaf. also gotta add how the fuck was I supposed to know that fairy for the oxyale was in a random patch of sand near a desert area. yeah it looks a bit off since its not connected, but its legit a sand tile that you walk on and boom, caravan. tf??? overall 5.5/10

personal bias, not a actual review. in the best way, ill never forget the sound quality emitted from the GBA speakers for the victory fanfare and specifically the drop box cursor sound effect

Sidequesting/ adding mods + custom songs entirely saves this experience. Also the cheapest option to enjoy songs and to add music to your own liking! (If it's mapped), other than that, it's the core VR game to have.

Actual good fun, very interesting take for using older classical music as background ST, but it honestly works out. My knowledge is dating nearly 11 years ago when I was playing this shit on a Kindle. But the multiple characters aspect for more tasks to do was unique enough to make up for the energy system. I liked all the environments and gems that made tasks enjoyable. Definitely a time-spender game, good thing I had all that time quite a few years back. This game always comeback to me when I hear gymnopedie no. 1, so I had to atleast write some sort of log for it.

Honestly a 10/10 experience. This sequel perfected the first in every way possible. I enjoyed every aspect to the point of 100% the game (not too hard since it's a small game) but still was worth the time. Such a treat, again I have to recommend!

when simplicity is done in a exquisite manner

a short, but well lived platformer where the controls aren't jank! truly a cozy/comfort game, easy to 100% as well

praying for the day this gets an official pc/steam release

Despite some actual level planning and strategizing (Hawaii levels), this is a great release to the overall HLM universe. Adds a lot more information surrounding the masked individuals, and includes new interesting characters such as Manny and Evan and more (without including story spoilers). Other than that, it's absolutely worth playing this right after Hotline Miami 1.


my brother had this on randomly in a drawer, and I picked it up to play when i was younger. wish i could tell you the rest but I atleast remember the quick time events

great introduction to Nero, with amazing VA scenes from Johnny Yong Bosch. Overall an above decent game, but I just still can't get over the fact that they have the audacity to (yes its an option) to replay as Vergil or Lady/Trish. Once you get to those points, there is like a 2 cutscene difference; one in the beginning and one at the end. Not going even get into the specifics for achievements and such, but get fucked if you think its worth replaying the story again with no major to minor differences. I was excited to play as Vergil, but its just intro, outro difference with his three main weapons. At the very least, it just gives you the Proud Souls from your previous save so it makes it a bit bearable when you have to (for 100%) replay the game nearly 12 times over for each difficulty setting.

Shits a banger, what can I say?

Not only was it just an phenomenal platform, but had an unique enough story for a Mario game to follow. And how can we skip on the OST, it would simply be sinful. My favorite parts of this was the levels that stripped you of fludd and you just had to rawdog it with just simple platforming, AND the smooth finger-snapping jazz in the background. all in all, a fantastic Mario game that holds up to this day

was too young to understand any lore, and was legit my intro into the KH series, so that also did me no justice on understanding any lore. all i remember was the blue sea salt ice cream and buying the 1st volume of Kingdom Hearts 2 to compliment the game. but yet again I STILL had no idea what was going on. despite that, game was fun as shit