I fucked this up more than Unmasked. Having the food power-ups helped in certain scenarios. I saw this on my tiles and had to search up a video to refreshen my memories, and I'm glad I did. I had so much fun and loved the usage of the touchscreen.

Decent. Some comparable aspects to Crash Bandicoot, but with some fun platforming

This shit slaps. I was such a nerd that I remember getting a cheat code book at the Schoolastic Fair, saw the small note for the Wii, and I straight up skipped it. I was that dedicated to this game

Getting that Nerd Wii mote holder was the only rememorable thing of this game

another clicker brainrot. i like clickers, but why tf did xbox have this? I think I was mashing A all the time, and that didnt give the same satisfaction of clicking with a mouse. also doesnt help the game was decently ASS

I actually played hours of this and got decently far, but I could tell you NOTHING about this game. Xbox says I was into it, but for my life I got nothing to say about it

Yes I was a kid, and yes I like playing a Luke Skywalker and not being original. First favorite color was green because of Link from TLoZ and Luke with his lightsaber. Also, lets not forget, an absolute BANGER game, especially coming from Lego? Who would have thought

Idgaf, Im bitchmade and dropped it because I got freaked out way too often. it deserves another chance in like broad daylight with all the lights on for me

It's pretty good, and a great start to the newer versions of Hitman

Was curious on the crossover from Terraria, so I checked this game out. I should have left it to fucking youtube videos. I love tower defense games, but something just didn't click for me



Yo, who would have thought this series would be fresh and fun? Because I would have never guessed. The only comparison I can make is getting Fortnite Save the World, but making it wayyy more tolerable, fun and self-fulfillment like.

I liked the style and approach of this game, but to compare it, I liked the Trials series more. sometimes a pretty game will keep you from dropping it, it just gives you another chance