I'm not going to mince words here, this is by far one of the worst, most frustrating games I've ever played. There are plenty of NES games that have stood the test of time and remain playable and fun till this day, still regarded as classics of the medium.

This game isn't one of them.

This is cock and ball torture.

The biggest problem this game has is it's enemy design. Enemies hit hard, fast and randomly, seldomly giving you a chance to get a clean strike on them. You'll almost never escape an encounter unscathed.

I had a brief moment in the game were I was enjoying myself, having just finished the first Palace and gaining my first item, the candle. Now I could finally explore dark caves! Then I got to Death Mountain, probably the hardest section in the game and the frustration began anew. Even though you'll progress and "grow stronger", you never feel like you're well- equiped for the journey ahead.

Glad this one's over with.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2024


22 days ago

Zelda II is a prime advocate for 'stick to the formula.' There was absolutely no need for the separate battle screens, they make the game seem unprofessionally made. I hope Zelda 3 is kinder to you
if anything, it feels good to get this one done so you can then play peak (alttp)

22 days ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 finally some good fucking food.

22 days ago

Damn, this is actually the only Zelda I've ever beaten. Sorry that you had such a bad time with it, even if it still isn't something I'd say I like-like, since it's essentially a bad version of Simon's Quest. :T
Ive seen people try to convince me that Zelda II is actually this underated classsic actually and everytime i play ive never gotten far cuz if how unfun the combat and difficulty is. Zelda I isnt easy but i actually can get why back in 1986 its a classic and i actually had fun with that so its not like I hate NES games. But II? I dont think it was ever that great to play

14 days ago

wait, you guys don't like cbt? 😳

12 days ago