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17 hrs ago

SternStan reviewed Izbot
I can best describe this game as super meat boy for beginners. I played and beaten this game precisely once back in 2017 and I was unaware there was even a sequel until I wrote this review. presumably it's better, but I don't think I care enough to know.

izbot wants to be a challenging precision platformer, but it seemed to forget the whole "challenge" part. I could never shake off the feeling that most of the stages in this game were designed in an afternoon and not given any additional touches to add fun challenge to the game. not even the bandages hardtogetiums are placed in interesting spots, instead also just being plopped at easy to reach points. the only point where the game finally gets difficulty is during the very last stretch of the game, and for some reason the very start of the last world as well.

it's not like there's nothing good about this game, everything but the levels were all good enough, but unfortunately the levels were not good enough to bring it all home. there are plenty other precision platformers that are all engaging, there is no reason to ever touch this one.

1 day ago

SternStan reviewed SuperTux
what you're referring to as supertux is in fact gnu/supertux, or as I've taken to calling it, gnu + supertux

I've followed development on this game since 0.3.X, playing most major releases since. progress has been glacial (pardon the pun) for sure, but the game is still perfectly playable as of right now. there's a few things I miss from 0.1.X such as the old sound effects, but I understand they wish to keep a consistent and specific style.

the game plays very well, tux controls exactly as you expect him to and all of the official levels feel fair enough to complete. unfortunately the game itself doesn't do all too much to stand out from other 2D platformers other than "oh it's the linux platformer", but it at least does what it wants to do very well. the game also allows you to play and create custom levels, so there's a lot more content waiting if the main game felt too short.

I still miss the "Excellent!" soundbyte though please bring it back for 0.7

1 day ago

SternStan reviewed Bubble Ghost
short but sweet little precision game. there's definitely some bias when i say this as this was the version i grew up with, but this is easily the best version of bubble ghost. it has a catchy track that plays throughout the game, the game looks very cute, and there's no real cut corners from the original game.

a few of the spots in the game require you to know which spots to blow specifically, and sometimes it's hard to read if where you're blowing will move the bubble or not, but this game is still quite fun and worth checking out if you have half an hour to kill.

1 day ago

SternStan reviewed Garfield's Nightmare
this is the most 5/10 game to have ever been 5/10'd. the game looks and sounds fairly impressive for DS standards and i wouldn't expect anything less from shin'en, but the actual game is so forgettable that i couldn't even tell you what actually happens in it. i haven't even touched this game since i was a kid and it'll probably stay that way forever.

being forgettably average is still way better than garfield's usual batting average. something something in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.

1 day ago

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6 days ago

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