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8 days ago

SternStan earned the N00b badge

8 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

SternStan completed Doom 64

8 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

9 days ago

SternStan commented on straightDogga's review of Super Mario 3D Land
it reminds me of me mario which i like better
but same mario more or less

9 days ago

SternStan earned the Liked badge

9 days ago

SternStan reviewed Deep Rock Galactic
throughout my ~600 hours of this game across multiple seasons, i have only ever had one (1) person bitch at me in the chat and one (1) person trying to throw the mission for shits and/or giggles. this alone puts it in the upper echelon of multiplayer games that let you play with strangers.

also the game itself is just very good. there only being four classes means each of them will always see a use in any situation, and all the different loadouts you can have along with the overclocks that modify each weapon encourage experimentation with different playstyles on each class. the game will always have something for you to do even after you clear all the assignments, as the overclock grind never ends. please help i still have like hundreds left to get and the damn machine events don't feel like spawning in

if you were put off by how long season 4 lasted and how awful rockpox was, season 5 thankfully is much better and has a much less miserable season event. you can also choose any season to play at any time.

oh, and rock and stone

9 days ago

SternStan completed Super Bomberman R
when this game came out, it was a surprise to all 13 fans of bomberman. it was assumed he was found dead in miami after hudson soft was absorbed into konami and the 3DS bomberman game was cancelled. i picked this up maybe a year after the game launched on the switch. so how was it?

it... tried, i guess. despite this game being 24 years after the release of super bomberman 1, it somehow manages to feature less variety than that in terms of all the powers you can get. the story mode is whatever, the cutscenes have this weird feeling of putting in a lot of effort to be no effort, if that makes any sense. there's animation, but they're all confined to boxes and the animation is just excessive use of the puppet tool. also for some reason they made incest a part of the reboot canon? like, lovely bomber was both a love interest for some of the bomberman brothers and also a part of the bomberman brothers. why?

the actual game is whatever, it's the standard bomberman experience with a couple of missions to try to spice things up, like instead of just getting to the goal, you'll have to unlock it by getting keys, or escorting some fools, or in some cases you just survive in a stage with endlessly respawning enemies until the timer hits zero. it's an honest effort at least. maybe they could've also expended some effort to make the bosses less of a pain in the ass, but i shouldn't expect much from konami

the battle mode is fine too, but that's true with all bomberman games that have a battle mode. there's not much that sets R's battle mode apart from any of the other ones. i have not tried grand prix mode, and from my experience no one else has either since the online became vacant 3 months after launch.

there's a lot of debate as to what the R stood for in this game, with "reboot" being a common one. i'd like to propose that the R stands for "rehash". just play the snes supers instead.

10 days ago

SternStan reviewed Kirby: Squeak Squad
out of all the Kirby games out there, this is certainly one of them. I liked the part where Daroach said "it's squeakin' time" and squeaked all over the place with his squad.

there's nothing inherently wrong with this title at all. the levels are decent enough, most of the abilities are fine, the treasures are at worth collecting to see what new things you'll find as they all give you at least something kind of worthwhile, music is good as usual, but I think the problem with this is that this game doesn't exactly do too much new compared to other kirbies before it, and it wouldn't be long before super star ultra would completely overshadow this game. it's not a bad game at all, just a mildly disappointing one as most other kirby games after super star had a substantial enough gimmick (or in the case of dream land 3, a unique art style that has yet to be replicated) to make it truly stand out amongst its peers. what's this one's gimmick?
the chests? there's only a few chests you actually need to beat the game.
the touch screen held items? i mean... i guess? that is unique to this game, i think, but it never gets utilized all that much and the only reason to use this mechanic is so you can keep a copy of twister and break the game into two
the mice? okay we'll go with the mice, daroach is pretty cute

10 days ago

10 days ago

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