2 reviews liked by Strawhatmonty97

Played it before. Classic. Unironically has great controls for such an old game

Panzer Dragoon Remake is a remake of a classic Sega Saturn game I have never played. The only thing I know about Panzer Dragoon is that a later game of the franchise titled Panzer Dragoon Saga is considered one of the best Sega Saturn games. This game from MegaPixel Studio is fine.

It is a rail shooter on a dragon. There are 7 stages and the game took me around an hour to beat. I played the game with the "Classic" controls because I did not like the "Modern" controls after completing the first stage.

The game does not look good visually. It is on par with an early Xbox 360 or PS3 title. I played the game in Performance Mode and still noticed some frame drops. Apparently, the game runs at like 504p using the Performance Mode in Docked Mode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr9n8VezUG8

The MSRP for this game is $24.99 USD. That is a little steep for this type of game. I bought it on sale for $2.49 USD which I think that is a steal for a fine game like this.