not a game, its an experience. a bad experience. really sucks.

Great/interesting concept (if nothing else it has novelty-value), but I feel like it could have been executed better. While it starts out with some decent puzzles and gimmicks, it feels like the developers didn't know how to take the idea any further, and the game turns into a boring and pretentious walking sim in the second half.

It hits most of the necessary notes to be a decent Zelda-like, but fails to reach that level due to medicore combat and a number of annoying issues (and/or choices by the developer). Some of these shortcomings include:
- Outdated gameplay mechanics (e.g. enemies that respawn when you leave the screen, only being able to equip 2 items at a time, etc.)
- Uninteresting enemies/bosses (with the damage they deal being cranked up to "make up" for their poor design)
- Most of the weapons/items aren't very useful/necessary or fun
- Slow movement
- Bugs + lack of polish

In terms of positives, the music, pixel art graphics, story, puzzles, exploration and side quests are all serviceable/decent.

I would only recommend this to someone who has already played through all the higher quality Zelda-likes out there (Ittle Dew 2, Blossom Tales, Chicory: A Colorful Tale, etc.) and is desperate for more.

Fairly impressive presentation (visuals, animation, audio design) for a mid-sized studio, but overall, was held back a little by the gameplay.

It has some decent puzzles, although for the most part they're fairly easy and get repetitive pretty quickly. More varied puzzles would definitely help. The combat is serviceable, but nothing special.

While I was generally invested in the story, I found it to be a bit convoluted at times (take that with a grain of salt though, as I'm someone who generally doesn't play games for the story / often doesn't pay attention).

Overall I think it's worth playing, especially for those who play games for the story.

Very rough around the edges (and just generally not great) in most regards, but has some solid, challenging, puzzles. The sequel is significantly better.

A Zelda-like that is very faithful to the 2D Zelda formula (even more so than games like Ittle Dew or Blossom Tales), with solid delivery across most elements necessary to succeed in the genre, but with a couple shortcomings.

While part of the appeal of the game is that it has multiple endings (in order to get them, you need to play through the game multiple times); however, likely in an attempt to make subsequent playthroughs interesting, certain components of the world are procedurally generated. I believe this choice contributed to most of the dungeons being generally uninteresting. With that said, even within the constraint of procedural generation, I think they definitely could have made the dungeons more interesting (e.g. including more small puzzles).

Beyond the multiple endings (/procedural generation), it largely fails to bring something new to the genre (/set itself apart) in any meaningful way... although it starts to do so... but then the game quickly ends.

Just an overall really fun game. Great music, fun adventure mode (that can be played in co-op), multiple vehicles (car, plane, hovercraft), colourful visuals... and Diddy.

This one is the best one because Yoshi wears funny outfits.

Great game. but too difficult for me to fully enjoy.

I actively dislike the humour, but it has some decent puzzles.

A cute game with a lot of bugs and minor flaws (missing quality of life features, strange ordering of certain events, pacing often feels off, etc.). Probably would have benefited from a few months in early access.