Short (~6 hrs), yet incredibly charming. Playstation graphics at this point could be said to be dated, but IMO it adds a lot of charm to this neat little gem.

As good as it's hyped up to be. Don't let Grand Order taint your view of type moon's writing. Also don't let whatever shitty western dating sim infested idea of visual novels you hold keep you from giving it a shot. 3 routes, increasing in length and focusing on a different heroine. Don't care for the heroines? Cool, just about everyone else is incredible anyways. Comes with iconic music accompanying fight scenes cooler than most actual video games. taiga route when btw

Incredible spritework. Gameplay remains solid whether you're just starting out or on run #[arbitrarily high number]. Great music that remains fresh and great even after listening to it for so long. Word of 'warning,' the game isn't massive, and you could realistically grind out 100% pretty quickly. Even so, the gameplay loop is still fun enough in itself to not be burdened by a lack of further progression. (And this isn't factored into the scoring, but there's also much to love if you happen to be a fan of LISA: the Painful and it's fanworks.)

Massive fan of Monster Manual type stuff. Pretty much my introduction to real management type games but this is pretty good. Eventually gets incredibly involved but it's fun nonetheless. While difficulty is definitely part of the intended experience, resetting to start a particularly grueling day over for the 10th time gets very grating; just about my only real complaint. Otherwise incredible entry point to Project Moon games.

Got that basic melty gameplay which is of course, still fun. sucks that we're missing the moon system though. sucks that we're missing sion though. sucks that we're missing satsuki though. sucks that we're missing nanaya though. sucks to see all the grand order characters though. maybe just play the good ol' actress again community edition?

Far too short. Masterpiece otherwise.

Most middling game play out there. Salvaged by strong characters with cool concepts and pretty good execution. Attempts to kneecap itself at the end with the world's most disappointing final boss (cool servant though). Despite all this, I would still recommend Fate/Extra to someone getting into Type Moon. (Not as your starting point though, just read /stay night).

Solid fun with friends. Generous enough with the premium currency for you to get BP's without spending a buck, as long as you aren't using it for anything else. Not incredibly substantial beyond the group entertainment however. That is to say, I'd never boot it up to play rounds for the sake of enjoying the raw gameplay itself; rather, I boot up the game to have fun with friends, not to have fun with the game.