6 reviews liked by SukebanBT

probably the most out there entry in the kill the past series dont know what suda was thinking with this one

my unfiltered dogshit opinion

oh my god they couldnt have made a worse game had they tried, but that's kind of why this game is so incredible. This game wears its low ratings like badges of honor imo. Legendarily kusoge. the EMPEROR of all kusoge. every other shitty game bows to this one as its king and leader, and for that I must continue to honor it by giving it the lowest score i can possibly bestow. You should definitely give this game a shot though just to see the wondrous trainwreck in action.

Very cool virtual desktop application on the source engine. NEEDS updates and consistent community along with it.

giving this a 5/5 feels like giving Steam a 5/5, but hey, it's basically legal piracy



The soft summer wind that glides through the grass and quietly envelopes you.