For a game where the joke is "it's bad!", it's genuinely bad. I know it seems confusing, but it's attempt at deliberately bad execution is, well... bad. Does that make it good? Not at all. It's a terrible game from top to bottom.

Some odd choices made in the Director's Cut, but still a fantastic game. Would highly recommend playing the original over this version though.

An excellent adventure through a trippy vaporwave world. This game is all about character and environmental "feel" with its aesthetic. Go in completely blind and just lose yourself.

One of the most underappreciated modern racing sims, but still has a lot of configuration issues as well as questionable AI at times.

I will never understand the reputation and hype this game carries. A driving simulator with lacklustre everything out of the base package. An incredible range of mods exist to improve this game, but out of the box it's barely a game.

A wonderful world to lose yourself in and an engaging cast of characters. The story was good, but not anything to blow you away. Felt a bit burnt out towards the end due to the sheer volume of side quests and places to visit. Will certainly replay one day.

An excellent mind-boggling puzzle game that requires you to be on the ball and think outside the box. I've never managed to beat it, purely because I don't have the intelligence to do so!

There were roughly 4-5 years between my two play sessions of this game and it still felt like an unoptimised, clunky mess. It's been in "Alpha" for a whole decade, which to me says it's never getting finished. Don't waste your money.

A game I've spent 16 years wrestling with to behave exactly how it should. When the stars align, it's the best Formula 1 experience bar none, but it's just too broken to waste any more time with these days.

The worst release of the modern FIFA era, bar none. A fundamentally broken game, launched to widespread criticism from the fanbase.

Probably the final FIFA entry before things really started to go wrong. The gameplay was certainly a step down from 16 & 17, and bugs started to become more and more prominent.

The final entry before going "next-gen" at that point and a great way to see it out. FIFA 13 encapsulated what was great about FIFA from the 7th Generation, though FUT was becoming bigger around this time and unfortunately gave us a sneak peak at what FIFA would become.

A perfect game to pick up and play in between doing other activities, even in 2023.

Ignoring the meme culture and the tedious narrative that this is a "kid's game", Fortnite is genuinely a mechanically tight game that offers a rewarding, if at times, frustrating experience. I've been playing since launch with friends and we still have an absolute blast to this day. The additional creative modes have been an excellent addition, though the reduced focus on BR is starting to slightly hurt the game's reputation.

Had its problems but at its core was a fun experience with friends, and the ever-satisfying movement and gun play of CoD titles.