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Time Played

13h 59m

Days in Journal

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May 1, 2024

First played

April 26, 2024

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Ah, Tron Bonne, my beloved

Now that's out of the way, with this the I played the...sadly final game in this sub-series so far.

It's pretty good, at first the tutorial and the action part with the bank hooked me up in as I expected an adventure as long as the main Legends game....that didn't exactly happen and there were definitely times where I got bored (I just used a walkthrough for the puzzles after a while and used a map to accompany me in the digging missions).

It's a spin-off so I get why it is this way. It was surprisingly shorter than I expected but I had fun. I picked #17 as my favorite Servbot, since he had good stats, barely a sloth and managed to get all his stats up and made him discover his talent of "Grenade". Don't regret that decision

And the way the game ended oof...lol.

Having first seen Tron in MVC and not seeing anything similar in MML1 or 2, I wondered if this was the game to inspire her moves and Gustaff there...it was not but I see where "Lunch Time" came from and that's pretty cool lol

Attack minigame isn't so good...but I did the Speed minigame well for many Servbots.

Overall, I don't have much to say. It's a good spin-off and the best girl of the series gets some much deserves screentime.

I'm surprised they bothered to dub Bon this time, something that didn't happen in either Legends games...strange.
Nice to see what Glyde and has birds I so love were up to before MML2...wonder how he broke out?

Denise is definitely a cutie...holy shit she can slam that huge mecha to the ground! Wish she atleast made a cameo in MML2 but apperantly she's in that mobile game...I should watch the fan dub playthrough of that one sometime...and I'm not talking about X Dive

Uncle Digg twist was interesting...I honestly expected it to go the "I was a villain impersonating the guy all along!" route but the ending we got was nice too....Roxanne sure is a bae.

....and so is Perl! Dantz on the other hand needs to stop running face first into traps....I don't have much to say about the other characters. It's also so cool seeing Servbots taking on big ass Reaverbots under Tron Bonne's guidance! This game was a wonderful shine on these characters after seeing them lose in MML all the time for sure.

Also I did not expect them to touch upon their parents...there's even an unused item that possibly revealed it.

Among the cut items, there's Tron's Diary...wonder what it would do?

Fun fact, according to one cut item, Tron's Panties, she wears pink panties.
Only thing rivaling this information is if the Jet Set Radio Future dick size sheet leaked.

Recently the Japan exclusive demo of MML2, the demo that was packaged in with the Japanese version of Tron Bonne, which features a unique scenario, finally got an English fan translation hack! It was available to watch with English subs on YT for a while now but it's finally playable too!

And we also got a hack that adds the FPS fix for the otherwise dreadful underwater levels, and as I like to call "better economy" of the Japan only PSP port of MML2 over to the localized PS1 version!

Go play 'em! Never been a better time to be a MML fan...I just wish they came out when before I started MML2 lol