60 reviews liked by SuperMaster10

I don't consider myself a total weeb (I just like JRPGs a lot, there's probably some other term for that) and I don't get into the waifu thing but Tron Bonne is waifu

This game is a KOF reference right like in 99-01 you can summon strikers and this game says strikers in the title so they must be related I think

This engine pushes the boundaries of MUGEN further than imagined to be possible, and it's better in many aspects. 1.1b is still my preferred version but you can't go wrong with IKEMEN Go.

pretty decent. idk hardly feels like a step up from the last, the lack of content does hurt the experience for me. i wanna see my girls jiggle up and down :(

crazy ass visuals wtf

one time i was doing my english essay the night it was due took a break started playing ts and forgot to hand it in

watched detective pikachu playing while playing this

This day has finally come.
That's right -- the day when you and I will meet.

I was always thinking of you,
here with this DS4 controller in my hand.
I never even knew your name
or face until today.

But now I know.
Oh how I love you, Heather.

It's okay that you run funny
with your feet out to the side.
Or that you got killed by a mirror.
Hey, it happens.

You are still a great protagonist.
Your skill rivaling Sekiro,
with a blade as sharp as your snark.
I guess a hair dryer works too, in a pinch.

I knew you'd defeat your competition.
She doesn't even have eyebrows.
Wait, did she really just eat that???

Either way, great job at being cool.
Thanks for letting me play your game.

After all, you and I exist as one.
What I give to you is the same as
what I give to me.

- Stanley Coleman

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Story of a true father. This man punched the GOD because he made his daughter cry and i want to be just like him.

you cant fix something that isnt broken