Finally done with THQ's next Spongebob game after the remake of Battle for Bikini Bottom and I gotta say, I am impressed with what they did for the game. It improved graphically so damn well. Voice acting is good. Love the costumes that appeared from past episodes. The animations for cutscenes are so good. World designs look so amazing. Platforming is also good and even improved. They also improved the combat. Enemies are better. Soundtrack is great. Love how they put songs from the show in the credits. Especially Sweet Victory. Bosses are also great. Except for one problem.

Kassandra, who is the main villain of this game has such a braindead easy bossfight. I wish that they would've made it just as good as the final boss fight of Battle for Bikini Bottom.

Overall, a very nice Spongebob game from THQ. One where you'll enjoy it if you are a huge Spongebob fan and love Battle for Bikini Bottom. Hopefully THQ does more Nickelodeon games. But if not I am happy to play whatever games they have.

Fun fact: This was made by the people who developed that bad Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends game on the gameboy advance. But WOW this is way worse than that game. Only thing I can praise was how the characters look and that they gave a good version of the theme song to use as the intro of this game. But other than that? All this is, is a boring fetch quest game. Everything I dislike about Foster's on GBA is done WORSE in this game. Fetch quests are even more annoying. It's even more tedious and repetitive. It's extremely tedious. The minigames are laughably easy to where I actually yawned (not joking). Every time where I am about to complete a mission, OOPS YOU GOT ANOTHER ONE TO DO IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THAT MISSION.

Overall, what a boring, tedious, repetitive experience of a Camp Lazlo game. At least with Foster's I never at all once felt bored throughout that game despite it being a bad game. And at least you had more stuff to do instead of the same thing every time. You're better off watching the show. Do that instead of playing this game.

I am genuinely impressed with this game. The work that was put into this game is amazing. Voice acting is amazing, This game looks so beautiful graphically. Story is written fantastically. Stealth is pretty good. Really enjoyed the combat. Gunplay is amazing. Tombs are fun to go through. Lara is written very well. Soundtrack is pretty good.

A very great way to get into the Tomb Raider games. And a great way to start the survivor trilogy. From its story to its gameplay has me impressed and wanting to play more of the Tomb Raider games. Can't wait to play through them.

God this game. Yeah honestly I am glad I don't have to play it anymore. Controlling Bloo is fine. Really like the abilities used for each member of the house. Each character's personality is exactly the same. Also thank god Bendy gets punished in this game. And yeah thats pretty much it. This game is just very very bad and I wished I can take back the time I spent on this.

Using the character's abilities is such an annoying to do. This game feels way too repetitive and boring. It feels like a waste of time. This game is pretty much braindead easy. Also it can be completed in at least an hour or 2. It took me MORE LONGER due to how annoying it is to use the character's abilities. Idek what to say about this because there is nothing else to say.

A painfully bad and terrible experience to play. This game is just worst than the first Foster's game on GBA. It fails as not only a game, but it fails as a game on the ds, it fails as a game for Foster's and the fans, it fails as a cartoon network game. And it fails as a game in general. A painfully boring, tedious, repetitive, and annoying game to go through. For any fans of the animated show, just watch the series. I don't recommend this failure of a game

The Roxas prologue should've been shorter because it goes on for too long. What a game this is. The story is such a massive improvement from KH1. Soundtrack is better. Disney worlds are even better. Limits are very great to have in this game. Drive Forms are very great in this game. Bosses are even better. The Organization members have great bosses and I love how they feel like different characters. Xemnas is one of my favorite final bosses. Reaction commands are just amazing. 1000 heartless fight is truly peak. Love the spells that return in this game and the new ones they added. This game is much more emotional than the first game. The artstyle of this game is one of my favorites. Each world has an artstyle that fits so perfectly. For example, Port Royal did such a good job having it look realistic while keeping it like Kingdom Hearts. Sanctuary is truly fantastic and fits well for this game. The secret boss is even better. The Roxas boss is amazing. Final boss and endgame is even better. Voice acting is amazing. Facial animations are better than it was in the last game. Graphically it looks amazing.

Atlantica is this game just feels so much like filler. It's also not really good. It's a bad world. Anti form is very annoying to use. I understand that it is punishment for if you use drive forms too much, but you can't even block. Also, I really am not a fan of defeating bosses by using finishers. It just makes things more annoying.

This is truly a fantastic game and shows what makes Kingdom Hearts so great. Everything from it's story to its gameplay is a massive improvement and pulls off so amazingly.

I love this game. It honestly aged better than many people believed. The mechanics are fun. The world design for the levels are good and fun. Love the interactions that Sora, Donald, and Goofy had with other Disney characters and worlds and some of the Final Fantasy characters. A lot of abilities are fun and useful.

Though my biggest issue with the game is that the Gummi Ship sections are BORING and dull. It feels like a drag when going through it. I kept asking many times, when can this be over?

Overall, go ahead and play this. I recommend it for anyone who wants to get into the series. Try it out and have fun.


Fuck. This. Game. Other than the voice actors coming to voice the characters they play as and the Kevin chase sections. There is nothing to praise about in this game. The level design is awful. The rope sections are dreadful. The hitbox for you and your ai partner is awful. Those fucking bats.... I hate those bats so much. Those raft sections are awful. One of the WORST things about this game is the raft sections. Since the hitbox for you is so bad, you can easily get hit by everything. One thing that is THE WORST about in this game is the ai for your partner. It's terrible. It can lead you to fail so many times and it's just annoying. You might as well prefer to play with a friend than ever playing this single player.

Overall, watch the movie instead. You'll have a much better experience with that instead of this awful mess of a "game." I'm sorry I tried multiple times to give this game a chance but I can't. It's too terrible.

This game is a pretty fun experience for a game on the Gameboy Advance.The levels are creative. Soundtrack is nice. Designs of characters are cool. Stealth gameplay, though not the best, is kinda fun. Platforming is good. I also love how that brought the "This sucks" scene in this game which is a classic moment from the movies series.

I didn't really like Alex's gameplay since his hitbox for the roar is weird. The whole method of unlocking the abilities by toboggining is good as I said, but it's strange that Kowalski doesn't give Private the gadgets he needs despite Skipper saying so and Private gets called out for wasting time (Not that much of an issue honestly.)

Overall, even though I prefer the Dr. Blowhole game more than this, I had a very fun time with it. I honestly recommend this for anyone that's fans of the Penguins of Madagascar.

((Reviewed back in 2023))

Let's go with the positives first. I enjoy how the story is just as engaging as the main game. I'm also glad this took place in the final island. The gameplay for characters is very fun and great. The final boss fight is a HUGE upgrade from how it was from the main story. The new form for Sonic is very awesome. I also love the interactions for the characters. It is very cool.

Yes I did say that I like the gameplay for Amy, Knuckles, and Tails, but having to unlock basic abilities like attack, cyloop, and parry, etc, is very stupid. I understand they want challenge in the DLC after a lot of people complained about a game being easy. But the towers are terribly unfair and badly designed. The fact that after you fall off them you HAVE to up over AGAIN. The boss rush is even MORE unfairly designed than the towers. They put you back at level 1 for your stats and after you finish each boss, your rings carry over and it doesn't refill.

Overall, despite the flaws.... this DLC is pretty good. Though not the best, it is still very fun to play with. This is great for Sonic fans if they enjoy a challenge. You might rage, but you will probably have fun too I guess lol.

((Reviewed back in 2022))

After playing through this game, I have to say, this is the best Sonic game in my opinion. I love the story of this game. It's very amazing. The characters were written very well. It was very nice. Sage is an amazing villain. I love the father daughter relationship between her and Eggman. Voice acting felt like one of the best in a Sonic game. Gameplay is really amazing. Love going through the islands and fighting enemies. Combat is amazing and really defines Sonic. You can have amazing combos. Minigames were very fun. Bosses.... oh my god were they amazing. they felt like they were final bosses but they weren't. Super Sonic is utilized very well. The soundtrack is just god tier.

Now for the cons....
The biggest one. The final boss. I did enjoy the minigame that was like Galacta. But it shouldn't be used as a way to have a final boss. The game did feel janky which I will admit. The cyberspace sections need to be designed better, because they aren't designed that good. The pop ins need to be fixed though, but it isn't that major. Also I wished the fourth island would be bigger.

Other wise, this is an amazing game for Sonic fans and even people who aren't fans of Sonic.


Man this game is so much fun. The gameplay is engaging and fun. Combat, though it isn't the best, is very great. Love the weapons that can be used. Missions are very fun in this game. Characters is written well. Jimmy even became one of my all time favorite video game characters. Maybe one of my all time favorite of any media I am into. Story is great. They designed Bullworth very good. Love how each area is designed. Really show variety in this game. Really like how each clique in the school is different and plays into the stereotype. The soundtrack is so damn good. Love and every track that is played. Also man there is so much to do in this game. You can do the classes, do bike races, go kart races, arcade games, dodgeball, and plenty of other stuff. Each class minigames is honestly fun.

Ngl I hate how when you do shop class the control stick can act weird and janky. I thought it was the PS4 emulation, but after watching many playthroughs of this game on youtube, both original and Scholarship Edition, yeah this is a game issue. I feel like this game should be better looking graphically. It's not bad looking I will say. It's just that I seen better looking PS2 games.

Overall, a very fun experience. Really enjoyed how they did the gameplay. and combat. Variety in this game is so good. So many different things you can do that makes open world very fun. For anyone who enjoys GTA or Red dead, you won't be disappointed. This game holds up extremely well. Definitely one of my all time favorites.

Really enjoyed this game. They did a great job with it. The roster is very good. Each character feels very unique with their own movesets and specials. I enjoy how in character every character was in the story mode. Story may not be the best but it is good. Game is designed well. Stages are very good. They did a good job with the movesets with these characters.

Enemy AI can be very annoying at times ngl. The first person sections are very bad. That protect Cheese (character from Foster's) section of the game was so damn annoying.

Overall, a very great smash clone and a great game for any Cartoon Network fans. Gameplay was design well. Characters control well and have great movesets. This game is definitely perfect for any fans of Cartoon Network.

This was honestly a surprise. An amazing surprise. Really enjoyed this game and love it. The artsyle of each chapter sections is amazing and fits so well. The creepy atmosphere fits so well with this game. Graphically, it is so amazing looking. Visually great. Character designs fit so well. Really like the 2d cutscenes. Facial expressions looks good. Gameplay is very fun. Combat is good. Weapons are fun as hell to use. Platforming is very great. Soundtrack is great too. Alice is also written very well. Story is also written very well.

I really don't like the weighted platforms. They can be very annoying when jumping to another platform. Also for puzzles, if there is a skip puzzle option what's the point of having puzzles and mini games here? Also wish that they tell you what the upgrades can do since I was confused on what they do.

Overall, a very dark game that's amazing. Love how dark this is for Alice in Wonderland. Would definitely replay as many times as I can. I highly recommend to anyone.

Finished playing this game and man I am so done with this. I was thankful that I was finished as this game is just very game. Voice acting is done well and the story is decent. Character models look great.

The beat em up style gameplay is very bad. I mean I would rather play this than Family Guy on PS2, but it's still bad. The enemy AI is annoying as hell. Bosses are garbage. Levels get tedious. Like all you do is just defusing bombs and rescue civilians. That's it.

Despite being better than Batman Vengeance, it's still a very bad game with tedious and repetitive gameplay that's just not fun at all. Hoping there would be one Batman game that's good and isn't Arkham, Lego, or Telltale.

I can definitely see why a lot of people enjoy this game. I enjoyed the combat a lot. It is very fun. I also love the different types of weapons you have. Throwing knives are very fun when on rooftops lol. Story is simple but very good. The twist is good but can be kinda on the nose at times. Graphically the games looks good for the early PS3/Xbox 360 era.

For the flaws? I say the climbing does need work and the combat could be improved more. Also the game does get repetitive at times the more you play it.

Overall, I honestly can not wait to play the other Assassin's Creed games that I have in my possession now. Definitely a blast to go through.