Was on the fence about recommending or not, this ends up being one of my longer reviews apologies hehe. The game is well made, good visuals, smooth clicking and mouse movement and I didn't encounter any bugs! Curious if this is more of a vent game from the dev(s). Who is the intended audience? Good queer representation, loved to see the Trans and LGBTQIA characters and vibe. However.

Uses Eskmo, this is a SLUR. Listen to Indigenous folks, it's a slur. Slt is also mentioned many times.
Wasn't that scary to me personally, ended up laughing and giggling to some scenes, could've been more bloody or weird but it was fun!

Semi spoilery:
Andrea and Claudio I liked the least, Andrea especially. I dont relate to the privilege of being born into money and generational wealth. Nor do I feel sorry for the rich. The situation sucked yeah but -shrug-. This leads me into the normalized 'sex drugs rich popular' that this whole games resides in. So much of this could have been avoided or helped with drug rehab, proper support with mental health, therapy, medications, and addressing trauma. It mentioned the pandemic and im glad for it, except its not PAST. We're still in the pandemic! Andrea's whining was infuriating. People like myself who are still masking and being covid-safe in 2024, disabled, immunocompromised, ALL of us mourn the loss of experiences and socializing. But you do better and be safe for community, for your loved ones, having EMPATHY for the lives of others. I dont feel bad for people like Andrea. Nobody masked in this game, Mida traveled and was in groups and big events through a pandemic? Mida's got long covid for fuckin sure dude. "Its just a game" do you know how tired I am of hearing that? This is some sort of vent or feeling piece style, and while I understand and can empathize because we ALL experienced loneliness and isolation that COVID brought. Its not over and there are lots of us still fighting.
I have no one to recommend this to because my circles and friends are those who mask, are still mostly staying at home and being safe. My experience with this is why I've not recommended it.

They changed it and I haven't played it since so not sure now

Hoo boi they released this unfinished overpriced mess and don't even refund the players. We only just got naval vehicles and being able to stay with your friends in team (Not to mention there wasn't a scoreboard when launched. Seriously?)

I hate that Battlefield has become like so many of the other triple A company's and is just cash grabs. They are trying to work and fix the bugs, but it's not worth buying because they've brought up possibly going Free to Play. More concurrent players on BF 4/5. Im playing because I made the mistake of pre-ordering and wasn't getting my money back.

I see so many people with this in backlog, PLEASE PLAY AND FINISH THIS!!

I didn't love this as much as the previous Bioshocks, but still had the same good feel during gameplay and story scenes.

Suddenly gets itch to play Minecraft again, play for months, get burnt out and stop playing for months. Get itch again to play, repeat for a decade. It's a good sandbox game for all ages.
I can't play vanilla anymore though, I have to have mods, texture packs, and shaders. Hunger games and prop hunt are some of my fav modes. The new updates with the lush caves and new mobs are really nice

Hours of fun with friends, especially with stream going and viewers were voting in mobs. PLayed a few of the DLC after completing the main game and those were good too. I'm not a fan of warhammer outside of this, so I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy it as much as I did

All the servers I've joined are very RP heavy, you can hardly play because you have to follow all these call rules. Game's quite dead feeling, not much meat in this past a few hours.

I re-installed it again awhile ago to re-try, maybe the updates would help? Not really no, the devs are also very slow to get updates out, its been years and we only now are seeing human testing stuff. Just play ARK instead.

Mediocre weeb game with kind of cool character customization, I don't think im going to finish it and just uninstall. Can see why other people may enjoy this but it's not for me.

Nice fantasy world, enjoyed some parts of this but the lack of smooth controls, and the guardian not responding well to commands caused a lot of hiccups. Frustrating gameplay ultimately led to fully dropping this unfinished


A lot of kids whose parents can't be bothered to parent. Cesspool really, I didn't play it long and wouldn't suggest this as a multiplayer to pick up.

Played this so many times over and over, my brother and I have fond memories of this game. Fun magic, combat, can play both good and evil and opposite storylines.

My fav thing to do in game is play the Naturalist role, snipe griefing PvP-ers that harassed other players, and go collecting and roaming on horseback. Horse racing while blazed, music blasting, is something I do nearly weekly.

Janky and full of hackers? Yes
Ignored by Rockstar-doesn't hardly get updates or content? Yup
But it's a fun wild west GTA. The hackers and glitching/bugs can get frustrating.

Did like the game, but I won't be supporting Blizzard and haven't since the last OWL I watched when they banned Blitzchung for trying to bring awareness to the protests in China. Blizzard as a company is horrible to it's staff, I'd suggest not supporting Blizzard at all.
But you play what you want to, just read/look into the companies you support

I played this for years, first on the Malaysia servers before switching to PWI. No other mmo's have a hoisted/cuddle option, while mounted, while running, while flying. I MISS IT. And then while cuddling you could kiss! Certain races can transform into creatures, huge world PVP battles that were really fun. I was in a dominant map guild, the PvP was, while sometimes frustrating to drop your stuff from a PvP-er while leveling - was great and I haven't seen another mmo do it yet. This holds a special place in my heart as an mmo, but I wouldn't go back and play it. Big pay to win cash shop, not much endgame.