Burst is technically 2 games in one (Skirting Shadows and Crimson Girls), with both being pretty much identical in terms of gameplay. The first tells the story through the perspective of the girls from the Hanzo National Academy, and the latter from the perspective of the girls from the Hebijo Clandestine's Girls' Academy. It's kind of neat to be able to see the story from opposing perspectives, but really, if you've played through one arc, you've pretty much experienced the other one as well.

As the first couple of games in the series, it's quite a rough start. Gameplay consists of missions which occur in a 2.5D sort of space where you will either be fighting hordes of enemies, or a 1-on-1 battle with another character. Movement is limited, as you will mainly be running either left or right with only some space to move vertically. All throughout these missions, you will just be button mashing 24/7. There's really no strategy involved in most missions besides spamming the Y and X buttons. Yes, there's combos and aerial attacks, but they are about as basic as they can be. Even on the more difficult later missions, there are cheap ways to spam and win as long as you did some really light grinding.

Granted, the simplistic gameplay could have been fine... if it wasn't for the atrocious framerate issues. I couldn't tell you exactly how many frames you'll be getting on average, but it's pretty bad. After a while, you do get kind of used to it, but it does make the game more of a slog than it should be. What kept me going was mainly the characters, as I have come to develop a soft spot for the series as a whole, and I enjoy the silly dialogue and story to a certain extent. Also, as lame as I think the gameplay is, it's still kind of satisfying to beat up these gals. Still, if you must know the story, I recommend playing Burst Re:Newal instead.

This is the worst of the Game Boy Mario Land titles. Wario controls about as well as you'd expect a fat old fart to control. He's slow, heavy, and frankly not much fun to play as. I understand that they were trying something new, but it just doesn't work for me. It's kind of insulting that this is even called SML3. Should have just been its own thing, but I'm sure that that title guaranteed more sales. After all, who the hell was Wario?

Apart from the sluggish gameplay, some of the level design here is just down-right annoying. I'd give some specific examples, but I've forgotten most of everything that I experienced because it was boring, and I slogged through it all right before heading to work. Needless to say, I felt pretty dead during the whole shift. I hope the sequels manage to turn things around for me.

Touhou 3 continues the early trend of ZUN trying out new things for each game, and while the VS. format is a novel concept and is executed decently enough, I got sufficiently attached to the previous game that I was hoping for more of that. This format also lends itself to a much easier game overall; save for the final boss, which had a sizeable difficulty spike that ruined my initial 1cc run dream. I'll probably go back and try this out with a friend at some point, but it's fun enough as a single player experience, regardless.

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I have to agree with a few reviewers on here about this one. Patch 2.3 seems incredibly unfocused, to the point that I felt like I was playing through pieces of three different patches in one. The first half was especially uneventful and pretty boring. But once I got to the Ramuh fight (my favorite trial so far), things really picked up.

And can we talk about the Sultana's sudden breakdown? I don't think I've ever been as quick to shed tears as I did with this scene. And when she hugged Raubahn... ohh my heart! I literally want to see Teledji dead now. If not for treason, but just for making the cute Lalafell cry!

This patch would be the best so far if it was more consistent. As it stands though, the second half is at the very least interesting and offers the best chunk of story in these post-ARR patches so far (except for the lame recruiting mission).

It's easy to see why this often gets labeled as a tech demo for the PS1. The console had just come out in America, and 3D platformers were still in their infancy. Heck, Super Mario 64 was still a year away to introduce the mainstream audience just how well platformers can translate to the 3rd dimension.

With that said, this was certainly the time for developers to experiment and see what could stick. While not the zaniest game I've played, it's certainly one of the quirkiest as far platformers go. Fever dream induced imagery aside, the novel approach to the gameplay is honestly pretty solidly implemented. The game is presented in a first-person perspective. You can move around and shoot at enemies with your laser projectiles or expendable fireworks you collect. Upon performing a double jump, the camera automatically pans downwards, so the player can see where they will land and adjust their movement accordingly. It just works, despite the mish mash of polygonal landscapes. In fact, I'm surprised it didn't give me as much of a headache as I expected.

That's really all there is to its unique approach. Levels are fairly standard. 6 worlds. 3 levels each. 2 of which require collecting 4 "jet pods" before proceeding to the exit to finish. They're pretty easy for the most part, though the standout good time for me were the boss fights (level 3 of each world for the most part). Granted, these aren't anything too crazy or difficult, but they were pretty fun to exploit with the jumping mechanic. Bouncing and unleashing hell (with fireworks) on them was pretty satisfying.

It's quite a short, albeit fun little game that I'm glad I got to check out. I remember reading somewhere that the developers were hoping that Robbit would be the next big mascot, competing against the likes of Mario and Sonic. Yeah... that was never going to happen. Still, it's a bit sad that this game has been lost to the bowels of gaming history, and I do recommend giving it a shot, especially if you're a fan of platformers.

Dragons, Dragoons, and Deceit... Oh My...

For the longest time, Heavensward was a name that held this air of mystery to it. It sounded elegant and enticing, but also seemed so out of reach (hah, get it?), for even years before I properly attempted to get into FF14, I was aware that this first expansion is where a lot of the community promised the game would get good. And look, I liked ARR. Sure, it was very slow at times, but it had some genuinely good story beats and did a good enough job at introducing the world of Eorzea and its gameplay mechanics. Of course, I still had those higher expectations going into HW, but a lot of people were hyping it up as a 10/10 masterpiece, and I guess if you didn't like ARR, it very well could be, but that wasn't the case for me.

But hey, for what it's worth, HW is definitely a strong improvement over ARR, with much better pacing, a more intriguing story, stronger character moments, and less filler quests (though, in an MMO, that's still going to be a thing). And I'll be honest, despite this first expansion being more interesting from the get-go, it still took me quite a while to reach that "Eureka!" moment. Because for as much as I enjoyed this expansion, I still felt like a dog searching for scraps. The incredible moments of explosive plot development and hard-hitting emotional beats are few and far between, and the story doesn't really start to pick up until the level 57 quests. All that to say that, again, a masterpiece this is not, but I can easily see why it is regarded as such by many. I don't doubt that the Stockholm Syndrome theory surely applies to quite a few players.

But lest I start to sound like I'm just bashing on it, Heavensward felt geuinely rewarding to go through, even as someone who still enjoyed ARR quite a bit. With how stagnant a lot of ARR's story felt, it was great to see how some its more ambitious writing, mainly found in the later post-game patches, flowed into this expansion and kept a satisfying consistency. In fact, this is where the game started feeling less like an MMO and more like a single-player experience with mostly optional multiplayer content. As someone who mainly started playing for the story, this is a big plus, but I'm also happy to say that the game has hooked me in sufficiently with its gameplay systems that I am now looking forward to going through harder optional content in the future. Yes guys, I'm actually trying to learn how to play my class, and I will do so for every other class eventually.

By the way, on the subject of aether currents, it's so funny to see other new players complaining about them when they could just automatically fly after finishing ARR. What many don't realize is that ARR flight was added in a patch much later. Personally, I think the aether system is a bit inconvenient, sure, but it's a logical system, and it doesn't require that much time to find and complete their relevant quests.

My thoughts on the post-game patches:

Patch 3.1 - As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness
Patch 3.2 - The Gears of Change
Patch 3.3 - Revenge of the Horde
Patch 3.4 - Soul Survivor
Patch 3.5 - The Far Edge of Fate

Without Post-Game Patches: Decent 8/10
With Post-Game Patches: Strong 8/10

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Wait, racism is bad? Wow, who knew? Patch 2.2 continues to serve as more set-up, but this time with a larger focus on compelling storytelling (actual voiced cutscenes, hooray!). Yugiri seems like an interesting character, and it's funny that I just so happened to unlock Ninja during this time, as its quest line makes mentions of Yugiri and Doma as a whole (it is their fighting style, afterall). I can't say that I'm too invested in the Ascians subplot, yet. As of right now, they're just giving me Organization XIII vibes, but without the personality.

Leviathan made for a cool trial boss, despite our party getting wiped on the first attempt. I'm starting to wonder how anyone is supposed to figure out these attack patterns without any explanation or multiple re-attempts. I didn't even notice the tail on Leviathan until someone pointed it out to me. Maybe I should tamper with my lock-on settings again. But I digress; I'm a sprout, and this is mainly a skill issue. I'll get there.

And oh boy, I got chills when Teledji stared at the camera and said: "Revolution..." I honestly did not see his role as a villain coming.

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I'm starting to think there's some sort of conspiracy to gaslight new players into thinking that post-game patches are all mostly underwhelming. Seeing as how 2.1 was a fairly uneventful and slow patch, I expected the same trend moving forward, in that, at the very least, the x.1 patches would be more filler than anything of major substance. But how glad I was to be wrong. I'm just as surprised to see a general consensus among the reviews here that this is apparently mid. Couldn't be me!

Here we see the ramifications of the archbishop's death and of the people finding out the truth about the Dragonsong War, culminating in an uprising within the Holy See that made for some truly tense, nail-biting moments. After base Heavensward taught me suffering, I figured anyone is fair game to welcome death at this point, but I'm glad it did not come to that... this time.

Thancred's return is a welcome one, but a bit anticlimactic, I will say. If anything, the introduction of the Warriors of Darkness kind of overshadowed the reunion, and it's wild that that they're already trying to get me excited for Shadowbringers when I haven't even gotten to Stormblood yet.

Other important things to note:

- Alphinaud is a horndog. Poor lad just can't catch a break.
- Krile is a good potato.

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While this patch does feel more narratively focused than the last, with its final moments tying back into the cliffhanger that was set up at the end of HW proper, there was not as much shock value here as the last patch. Hell, Minfilia's death(?) was so anticlimactic that I just rolled my eyes. And the "melee" tournament was honestly not as interesting as I expected.

Still, there's plenty that this patch does to keep the story rolling along, with Nidhogg's rude interruption of the peace conference being quite memorable. The Antitower was also a really solid dungeon, with its final boss taking the form of a giant demonic baby doll come to life; certainly, an image I will not soon forget.

The best scene? Emmanellain getting completely socked in the face by Thancred.