82 reviews liked by Sylus

I found the car game that's in the background of all those greentext AI story narrations on Tik Tok !

What a beautiful game. It reminds me a lot of the early Gran Turismo games. A shame that It was unbearably clunky though.

It's riddled with all those early 2000's game design awkwardnesses like loading screens every two seconds and an excited narrator that narrates your every menu click. It was kind of a frustrating and an all-over-the-place experience. I couldn't figure out what was going on, if my car selection was permanent, how to race, how to modify your car and the tutorials on how to do this are given to you via a tedious e-mailing system. I might just be too short on patience for this one.

Overall, a clunky, yet aesthetic and cool experience

2.5 Toyota AE86s out of 5 🚗🚗

A let down.

This game has good systems and mechanics but somehow just doesn't work for me. I can't pinpoint anything it does wrong necessarily but the complete experience failed to hold my attention on any of the three attempted playthroughs I did.

None of the stories or quests reach the heights of Fallout: New Vegas (which is the most valid comparison) and even though the combat system is better than NV it is still extremely rudimentary and unengaging.

Nothing short of a masterpiece. Red candle, a game company that normally focuses on horror, comes out of a 5 year slumber with a beautifully hand drawn metroidvania with sekiro inspired combat. Needless to say, the mark has been hit and they've hit the ground running on an entirely new genre of game.

Where to start? I'll start with the story. Not to recap, but the story is told in a nonlinear fashion and the lore runs quite deep. It's nothing to scoff at, there's no plot holes and the story of how everything came to be at this very moment is set and laid out to you with almost perfect timing. All the characters are pretty well written, some moreso than others but there's nobody that's just "Badly" written. Even the most evil characters are all fleshed out and even sympathetic in some cases. The designs of the world and all the characters are perfect, and the setting is a unique blend of far eastern mytholgy and technology. Red Candle calls this "Taopunk" and that sums it up pretty well. Very rarely do you find a game with such striking visuals.

More on the story and striking visuals, remember that Red Candle makes horror games, so they do not shy away from some gruesome imagery and concepts. Not in the same way that Devotion or Detention does, but in a more body horror way. Not to say the game is an edgy shock fest though, far from it. But the warning a the beginning that talks about disturbing content should not be ignored for sure. On the flip side: the story is also full of heart. Yi builds relationships in a pretty endearing way, and by the end there's a sort of family built up. I love it, much like the far eastern mythology that inspired the game, there's joy and sorrow.

Gameplay wise, the game's air tight. Hollow knight adjacent exploration and gameplay but the big difference is your defense: the parry. It's very sekiro inspired with perfect parries inflicting internal damage which you can cash out on with a dash that bursts the internal damage. It's so slick and fluid and honestly never gets old. The animations in the game are perfectly choreographed and Yi's are satisfying. The exploration is as good as you'd want it. Inaccessible pathways that can later be explored with a new ability you unlock in due time. The bosses are all, for the most part, fantastic. I can only think of one that i wasn't really a fan off, and that was because you have to fight 2 juiced up enemies and then hit the boss while they're both down. Just isn't a great time, but besides that it's all good bosses.

Overall, the game is fantastic. Hats off to Red Candle for knocking it out of the park for a 3rd time in a row.

No lo jugue pero todos dicen que es una verga y yo ni compro con la opinion de las masas

This game has some charm that I do like but the gameplay really is just atrocius. Also the misogyny. Dear lord the misogyny. I'm actually surprised so many Fallout fans hate this game considering you don't even need to mod all the women into having big titties and skimpy outfits. They come that way pre-packaged. I actually REALLY like the weapon designs though. When I found that homemade laser rifle I nearly came. I need that shit modded into New Vegas and 4 asap.

I don''t like logging dlc before finishing the main game but I've just finished this and it's just


who is the target audience for this, why would you make an expansion solely based around your gunplay when no one who really likes these games is in it for that
at least it's not long but it feels like it goes on forever
just baffling, I guess they gave me power armor and two levels worth of exp so whatever

Breathtakingly designed pop techno-horror freakout - like if Cyberpunk 2077 was good. Dead Island's treatise on A.I., cults, upper-class boredom, and existential angst is every bit as deliciously stupid and totally unhinged as that sounds. Doubles down on its bracing art style fetish, orgasmic music, and brain-rattling faux-intellectual jargon - only asking that, in return, you agree to be fully down for the ride. Which, of fucking course, I am. Fight a hulking pig dude and dropkick BDSM leather-clad zombies down bottomless pits while coming to grips with the horrors of being alive - put literally face-to-face with the rotting alternative, and still not knowing which is the more terrifying option - through Dead Island's trademark gruesome sense of humor about the fragility of the human body and, moreso, its mind. Some truly sick and genius thrusts of mental violence to this one. One of the best things I've ever played, as an apologist for this oft-idiotic franchise even I am beyond impressed - spent much of this playtime with my jaw dropped.

Small DLC but suprisingly good and played before finishing the base game and was really good!

Frontiers of Pandora is a graphical showcase with mind-blowing detail and fidelity, bringing Pandora to life like never before. As a fan of the movie, experiencing this vibrant world firsthand was truly awesome. The game follows the familiar Far Cry formula, for better and for worse, offering both engaging and repetitive elements. While the story is quite simple and often serves as a mere excuse to progress, it does feature some nice moments. However, the side content is really repetitive and the quality of side quests varies greatly, so in my playthrough, I focused on the main quest line.

A graphical showcase for sure but after a while just makes me feel like I'm playing Far Cry again. In the way that enemies are pretty easy, content variety is sparse, and it becomes a slug to do anything but the main missions.

Fun enough for co-op though.