perfect adventure ambient game in every way, minus the performance. 10/10 game 4/10 port

its genuinely not that bad. I like playing Hitman the wrong way (action gamey) and this is the first one that encourages that


Im sorry it's just not good at all tho. All the money & effort was poured into the aesthetic and art direction and even that is quite derivative, insultingly shallow gameplay that feels like a shovelware switch game.

a little janky at times but looks absolutely breathtaking and it’s 5 hours is packed with charming personalities and character designs. It’s so atmospheric and ambient and it reminded me why i love these kinds of games.

this is easily one of my favorite games ever made. i never gravitate towards multiplayer games but this one is just on my mind all the time. I love the world the visuals and planet and enemy designs, the music is sick asf, if this isn’t nominated this year for GOTY than i cannot even imagine what gaming will look like this year.
This is the only game that's come out this generation that's made me go, oh yeah they could only make this on next gen hardware

Impossible to put into words how I feel about this deeply satisfying game. But what I will say is that no other piece of art or entertainment has ever impressed me & moved me in such a deep way. This is my number one favorite game of all time and the only possible way this would not be my number 1 favorite game of all time is if Mobius releases an even better game with an even better aesthetic (impossible bc the aesthetic of this game is perfect in every single way)

Hitman is the only game that just isn't my cup of tea and I can play it totally wrong and still pour hundreds of hours into it. Its just so easy to have fun in this game whatever that means

Even tho I find the newer versions kinda overwhelming, there are so many versions to pick from that I can tailor the experience to how I like my Minecraft to be.

good campaign, i think it’s a bit overrated but i can also acknowledge that if i played that time hopping level back in 2016 i would’ve been convinced the entire campaign was perfect that’s how good that level is. The campaign is still great tho i just think it takes a little while for it to get real exciting

Side scrolling narrative games aren’t exactly my cup of tea but i’ve definitely had more than a few experiences in this genre that prove to myself that these can be truly incredible experiences. The Artful Escape is not. it’s a shame because I LOVE music and i’m a giant music nerd but the jaw dropping visuals just isn’t enough to save this game from having a generic space rock soundtrack and tedious interactions with characters because they ooze style and almost no substance. if I was high when i played this maybe the entrancing visuals would be enough to keep me engaged but yeah this is a miss for me.

it’s a decent time with some subtle storytelling