oh look it's that FF entry that gets despised by everyone who haven't actually played it

Paraclesius! Put on dat Fugue In D Minor!

I gotta say this game's a nice way to not let my adhd click off a video detailing xenosaga's story summary

beside that I'd never play this fucking thing ever

I hated my time with this game for like 35 hours
It's filled with so many bad game design decisions, extremely bad pacing at the start after the intro segment and the game absolutely never tells you where to go throught all of it, gears combat is a fucking unfun mess, like half the cast only has 1 moment to shine and never again, disc 2 completely changes the entire gameplay structure to the point it's a visual novel without even the visual part it's just scrolling text, there aren't that many music tracks so you're stuck hearing the same tracks over and over again that have some annoying segments in them.

And even then.
After all of this.
It is still.
The Perfect Work.

Really good rpg until last 1/3 where it just feels tedious without much story
fuck those last fights

classic higurashi pacing problem
boring and monotonous first half
really good second half

only rating the japanese version
short, solid and fun

the single fucking thing ever that almost made me vomit fuck you ryukishi

only way i can sum this up is "The infinity series at home"

this fucking game became my personal "oh but it's not as bad as that..."

the weakest of the trilogy, doesn't do anything outstanding or new with the main concept, just mid overall

fuck that penultimate stage tho

pretty neat horror game made by like 1 guy
only real issue is the fucking flashlight battery

clunky, charming and ugly as fuck
i love you yoshimitsu

Really fucking good, amazing experience and also really long for '98 standards