The most 2/10 game ever made that didn't become 10/10 because it told me life is worth living, no no no instead it told me to kill myself.
It doesn't matter what your ethnicity is, where you come from, what your political views are, who you are as a person or human being, what your gender is or what social status you have you MUST experience this game at least once in your life before death.

"It's only 43 hours! 43 hours is not that much!"
I say that while proudly showing my badge with "43 wasted hours" engraved on it

I really want to love this game I really do.
Not only does it have probably my favorite setting in a video game but the overall experience was amazing I didn't mind the slice of life stuff that people complained at all, this could've been a 9/10 game for me.
If only not for the very last 2 hours of the game which make for the single worst ending i've seen in a video game so far

It's truly astonishing how for the first 2/3 of the game Suda51 made community service work more fun than committing casual genocide

"There is no such thing as Art for everyone" said suda51 as a way to explain what the fuck he just made

this is probably the most confused i've been about a game so far, about so many of it's aspects, what's its story tried to tell me? how I should even view it's story, it's narrative, how everything about it works?

On one hand i'm given a fantastic visual presentation and unique style that no other game ever had, really good music that just fits brilliantly in every scene. Writing that's so specific yet fascinating with how much it mirrors a real life form of speech a regular person might have with the amount of swears and slurs. And to top off this segment there's genuine peaks of stories like in the entirety of the Parade chapter.

On other i got such an uninteresting first half where I questioned if it's worth going through more of it, often wanting to drop the game for a while. placebo segments that are an absolute drag in their pacing and mindless repetition and every time I had to do them i felt discouraged to boot up the game. There's a lot of characters but it's so hard to keep track of them and remember every single one since you won't know if they will become a major part of the chapter's plot or if they'll be gone forever in the very next scene. It has plathera of moments where I could not understand a single bit of what is even happening as so much of it is presented to the player yet might mean absolutely nothing as you cannot tell if what you're seeing is meant to be a metaphor, forshadowing or just an artistic flair

I genuinely have no idea how I should view this game, this work, this art piece. It's so fascinating and confusing to the point where i'm trying to comprehend so much of it that isn't supposed to even make sense.

And just for that.

I have nothing else but tremendous respect.

Was interested in this game's side content and i gotta say they really outdid themself with making sure it's the single worst thing you'll ever experience in a video game (recommended)

I'd give it a 6/10 as you need some incredibly powerful will to finish this game but it told me life is worth living at the end so it's an 8

pretty accurate to it's name as it jumps between being good and purely evil

oh look it's that FF entry that gets despised by everyone who haven't actually played it

Paraclesius! Put on dat Fugue In D Minor!

I gotta say this game's a nice way to not let my adhd click off a video detailing xenosaga's story summary

beside that I'd never play this fucking thing ever

I hated my time with this game for like 35 hours
It's filled with so many bad game design decisions, extremely bad pacing at the start after the intro segment and the game absolutely never tells you where to go throught all of it, gears combat is a fucking unfun mess, like half the cast only has 1 moment to shine and never again, disc 2 completely changes the entire gameplay structure to the point it's a visual novel without even the visual part it's just scrolling text, there aren't that many music tracks so you're stuck hearing the same tracks over and over again that have some annoying segments in them.

And even then.
After all of this.
It is still.
The Perfect Work.

Really good rpg until last 1/3 where it just feels tedious without much story
fuck those last fights