Incredible Stuff. Absolute must play for anyone interested. Music was great (both versions), looks awesome, difficulty not hard, but also not insulting. Great story, albeit not super deep. loved it.

Delightful stuff. harder than I thought, but very rewarding. And cute!

The only flaws were that some of the gameplay was repetitive, and that you had to move the clock by saving very often. Other than that, incredible stuff. Glad I got to play it.

Good stuff, though the story wasn't as deep as I hoped it would be. The craft of the game, though, is something else.

First time playing in 10 years. Had a blast, story was fun, music was great. The only complaint is that it can get a bit grindy, but that could also be pre-Gen 6 Pokemon for you.

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Very good, solid Pokemon experience. In saying that, the GBA mechanics were hard to adjust to again, and the story was better than in base R & S, but not quite as good as in ORAS, a lot of which was due to the improvements in characterization those games made. The Gym leader team change-up was good, but the change from Steven to Wallace for Champion is dumb. The Battle Frontier was definately one of those 'you had to be there' type of deals though. Not bad, just, I'd already done the ones in SoulSilver and Platinum, y'know. Still a great time, maybe not the masterpiece a lot of people claim it was. Gonna replay White next because The Pokemon Company refuses to put any of these games on NSO.

All-around solid. Looks great, runs great, although kinda simplistic, though that's expected, given it's nature.

Looks amazing, sounds amazing, but got stuck 8 hours in and those mandrakes freakin' suck. Will probably come back to this, but need to take a break. Story was also pretty stock standard up until I stopped.

Didn't quite finish it, but I spent like 50 hours in it back in the day, so that counts for something. Art style is super cute, and I'll probably pick up the remaster, or play the sequel.

Incredible graphics, moving story, epic action. It's impossible to not recommend.

Lots of fun. Voice acting was stellar, writing was pretty good, though occasionally leaned into "Did that just happen?" Mid 2010's humor (which makes sense to when the game came out) a little too much. Gameplay wasn't amazing, but well-executed for what it was. Also, animation was mostly good, but occasionally stuttered, which may be a Switch thing, or a Telltale thing I don't know. 7.75 out of 10.

This was pretty great, very inventive, but admittedly, got pretty hard towards the end. Still good stuff though

Just as good as the original. Made me care about Venom and Kraven, when I was pretty neutral previously

Really fun, emotionally engaging, really surprised me. Looks great also.

Really Really frickn' great stuff. Exactly what I needed after finishing TOTK.