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TGA_backloggd commented on TGA_backloggd's review of Valkyria Chronicles 4 : Squad E, to the Beach!

Just double checked and I put the review under the original one by accident. Oops.

I love turn-based games like this. Valkyria Chronicles has a different kind of tactics as the enemy will reaction fire at you, like irl military situations. It's like they have permanent overwatch making you choose more careful paths around them and take note of the classes as some can't react fire.

3 days ago

TGA_backloggd commented on TGA_backloggd's review of Valkyria Chronicles 4 : Squad E, to the Beach!
@RedBackLoggd I've played the first so I assume I've reviewed that. Currently streaming the 4th one and grinding off stream. Up to half-way through Chapter 17 so far as of last night.

Biggest issues out of all the DLC so far has been that "A captainless Squad" won't drop the next part of the story as it hasn't identified that I've killed the aces. I'll keep trying to unlock it though.

3 days ago

TGA_backloggd commented on TGA_backloggd's review of Tex Murphy: Mean Streets
@RedBackLoggd Hi, sorry for not replying sooner. I was busy and wanted to give you a proper response.

Yes, there is at times a kind of "Moon Logic" going on, as there often is in that era of PnCs (to use your term) that I've experienced a lot, including most recently when playing/Streaming Toonstruck where it also uses cartoon logic with it too. Sadly that is a problem with these older games is that you'd have to use a guide because it's not always obvious that an item you just used can also be taken with you or that multiple things can be done using the same item. Especially if you picked up the item at the beginning of the game, told it was used for one thing, used it for something else and completely forget about it in your inventory.

The autopilot line I think I probably worded it incorrectly. I'll try a bit better here.
The Autopilot, though a Godsend due to the low-poly world you're in and the controls being weird, it isn't like fast travel. You don't arrive instantly at the location you designate and have to sit down for the ride, which can be very long and time consuming if you're going from one end of the map to the other.

I believe this is done for game/story reasons due to it being on a time limit before the fascists activate their masterplan for a instant game over, but it's still boring that though you are headed to the right location, you are just sat there and to enjoy the ride as if you were in a cab, but not allowed to do anything else besides sitting down and looking out the front window. That's why I mentioned that it's a good thing to disable the sound of the engine because it can be REALLY grating whilst you're waiting to arrive at a destination and the constant engine sound won't shut up!

I hope that made it a bit easier to understand?

4 days ago

4 days ago

TGA_backloggd commented on MegaTheRealOne's list IGN's Greatest Hits
I hated how fucking harsh they were to Star Fox 2. It was a great game that got permanent delayed due to, potentially, the guy behind the first game being jealous of what they accomplished.

Also, yes for some reason they were treating it as if it was developed recently and not that it was left in limbo for many years. Of course it won't have the same quality of Star Fox Assault!

It's like complaining that the first fallout game isn't 3D and made with Bethesda's engine.

6 days ago

TGA_backloggd completed Valkyria Chronicles 4 : Squad E, to the Beach!
(Since I can't review "A Captainless Squad" yet due to bugs stopping me to get the final chapters, I'll go with this)

I unlocked this at the end of a stream and, as per what I've been doing recently, doing offline recordings for the extra stuff (otherwise, this game would be MUCH longer to stream if you added all the extra missions, squad missions, replaying levels for A ranks, purchasing all upgrades and ect...) to take a load off my streaming time.

Despite this unlocking only after Chapter 10 (due to a character you get at that point), the story is set after the events of Chapter 4 where Squad E are given the task to find and eliminate a supply route along with finding the origin of where they're going, but things are immediately strange as the soldiers aren't interested in putting their lives on the line for whatever they're transporting to whereever.

This isn't spoilers, as I'm sure you can guess what's happening from the images and name of the DLC alone, but they find that this supply route that was barely guarded was to a holiday resort for the rich and the Ace soldiers in the battles appear to be holding onto swimwear...for whatever reason...which will lead to members of Squad E having their alternative costumes, in case you want to see Minerva in a string bikini for "immersion" reasons ;)

Ultimately what you get is some funny scenes with the characters either drooling over or appreciating each other in swim suits, hijinks and Raz getting punched for being a perv!

You have two battles. One very easy (the base is literally a short tank drive from your starting position) unless you want to take out the Aces to unlock more of this story and the outfits!

The second is a harder one where three of the members (Claude, Raz and Riley) are in their swimwear because "They don't have time to change" which makes sense when an enemy ambushes you like this, but is no less ridiculous.

The story is ultimately a bit of fun and like your typical obligatory beach episode, like one of the last episodes of Outlaw Star where they're on that sauna planet or many Anime shows where the characters end up enjoying a hot spring, for whatever reason.

I'm personally not too interested in using the outfits, but I still enjoyed my time with it both for the funny moments and also how the map has loads of little hiding places to explore and it's always good to get a nice new unique map with this.

Thankfully this is tied into the entire complete edition bundle so I was having a bit of a shock when I was looking for the price to see it say "£39.99" but in reality, that's the entire pack which comes with ALL the extra stuff that includes "A united front with Squad 7", "A Captainless Squad", "Advance Ops", "The Two Valkyria" and "Expert Level Skirmishes" the latter being a requirement for the last two squad stories. It was a fun DLC for what it was and you do gain a decal and few weapons for completing it.

8 days ago

TGA_backloggd commented on RinoDino's review of Castlevania: Bloodlines
I had a lot of fun with this game myself! I streamed it as part of a Castlevania month and though, I went through the whole thing with Eric Lecarde without using his spear jump, which probably would've made the final battle with Dracula so much easier...

8 days ago

TGA_backloggd reviewed Toonstruck
Just recently finished this, so felt I should review it whilst I have the chance!

So anyway, here we play as Drew Blank (Christopher Lloyd) who has been struck with a deadline by his boss (played by Ben Stein) who wants Drew to create even more fluffy adorable bunnies like his super popular cartoon character, Fluffy-Fluffy Bun Bun. However, he is drawing blank (ironically) and he looks at his old design for a character called Flux Wildly who was his intended character for a popular character.

As he reminisces on this, he is sucked into a cartoon world where he nearly gets hits by bolts, the landscape is transformed and he runs into his pal Flux! They are soon tasked with a mission to stop Count Nefarious (voiced by Tim Curry) from using his machine, the Malevolator to turn everything malevolent and create a machine of our own to do the opposite, the Cutifier! However, it is missing parts and we need to obtain parts that act as the opposite/compliment the ones used in the Malevolator.

Being your standard early Point-and-click adventure it requires some help to run (the one on steam came with Scummvm to run it) and being early green screen, along with the stretching, can make it look a little ugly on your screen, but for the smaller window I was capturing for my stream it looked pretty pristine!

Anyway, like typical for these kinds of games you have a bottomless bag (which is actually bottomless, so explains how you can carry so much crap at once!) to store all kinds of useful items that you'll discover on your journey to be used to either construct the Cutifier or help you progress in your adventure, however, as this game runs on cartoon logic there can be moments where you may not know what to do next, but that's why I use walkthroughs for when I get really stuck and the only stage I really struggled was near the end.

There's a lot to enjoy in this, along with having Christopher Lloyd interacted with cartoons (in a different way than "Who Frames Roger Rabbit?") and not to mention that MANY recognisable voices in the game coupled with the adult humour, which was rare for some games with cartoon imagery to get away with. For example. "Inherit the Earth" had to be toned down as the publisher wanted them to make it available for kids, but here we get some great bits of humour and it hits the nostalgia quite a bit considering the many recognisable voices in the background from people such as Dom Deluise (Fingers the Octopus), Dan Castellaneta (Flux), Jim Cummings, David Ogden Stiers, Jeff Bennett, Corey Burton, Rob Paulson, April Winchell and Frank Welker. Many you'll recognise from shows/movies I'm sure you've watched whilst growing up like Pete from "Goof Troop" and other Disney stuff, numerous characters from classics like "The Secret of N.I.M.H.", "An American Tale" and so much more! Jim Cummings is a name I'm getting more familiar with after playing the Army Men games on the PS1!

I was looking forward to coming back to this on stream and I enjoyed every moment of this game, even when getting stuck and frustrated! It's well worth to have a good laugh. Especially if you're a fan of cartoons and animation like I am!

I never grew out of cartoons really and this is certainly a game for you if you feel the same!

Raw Stream

Edited Stream - Coming soon!

12 days ago

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