Never played the first one, but this game is pretty fun if you're looking for a RTS that's futuristic and definitely a lot of fun. This is definitely a game that interests me and to me is a nice replacement to forget about the disgrace that is C&C 4.

Edit: This was a real fun time I was having with a friend playing this, but I was never as good as him sadly. It's the kind of RTS that I love being very much like C&C with all the different units and the related buildings and research for upgrades! The campaign was also fun, though as I ended up playing this one first, I feel like I missed a bit out of the main storyline so I was a little lost, but I still enjoyed every moment of it and how your main unit can harvest resources from destroyed buildings and machines to get more resources.

Here is another side-game from the RE series that's often forgotten, Dead Aim! I have to admit it is an interesting hybrid idea here, better than Survivor 2, however, it still isn't a very good RE game. It's not terrible, but it's not great and suffers from some janky animations, especially the facial ones!

I do love the design of some new monsters created from the T+G virus, however, the idea that is adds electrical powers because SCIENCE is hilarious to me.

I'm confused as to what they were attempting to do with the main character who looked like discount Sephorith, but as he was wounded in the opening cut-scene he injects himself with the virus to become a tyrant that is very feminine in appearance! Complete with visable bumps on the chest (no nipples), curvy hips and feet shaped like high-heels.

I feel like there was a different angle this game was going for, but we never saw it in the translation. From doing further research there's a suggestion of different potential meanings to it. The character loved beauty in everything, including himself, so he took HRT to keep himself looking youthful and it could be merely how the virus reacted with it or as Sphere Hunter suggested, it could be how the Virus turns people into their inner, base desires and the character was actually trans? It's very hard to tell, especially with the history in places like Japan in regards to "Traps" and other such cultural things over there or villains appearing feminine like in the Final Fantasy series. It makes it worse that there is no actual confirmation on if it's my idea that the character, named Morpheus, was transformed that way from his own base desire like suggested with others or if it really is just because of being on HRT when the virus was introduced into his system, like how mixing drugs can give off different effects.

(Though, him being made Morpheus and considering what The Matrix was actually meant to be trying to deliver...maybe someone in the closet did this on purpose?)

Anyway, it's a discussion to be had regardless.

The game itself, as mentioned before, tries to do this hybrid thing of 3rd person when walking around and exploring, but as soon as you aim it becomes like a FPS. Kind of like Fatal Frame, but if it was guns instead of the camera obscure!

The issue with this is with fast firing weapons like machine guns as the occasional flash, especially in regards to Fatal Frame, won't be too bad on the eyes but if you use the machine gun you get, there's such bright flashes that it's almost a damn strobing effect! I don't recommend playing it in the dark or if you're in any way susceptible to epileptic fits!

It was a good thing I had watched Sphere Hunter's video before making this review because a major feature of the game, which you are never once told, is that you can actually sneak past enemies! It seems this T+G Virus rotted the eyeballs out of zombies and such so you can potentially sneak past and not waste all of your ammo like I did! That said, save-points have nearly limitless ammo so I never once suspected that I was using up too much ammo at any moment. Sneaking is the strategy for fighting the boss Pluto who is a huge creature, once human, that's blind but listens to your footsteps to come after you.

Again, the game, though fun, is certainly not great. Out of all the other forgotten side-games, I'd say it was the best out of all of them. There's all the side-games apart from Code Veronica that were on the PS2 and certainly better than the first Survivor game too!


As much fun as I have had with this game, do not get it if you want to play as any of the DLC characters. Ubisoft have dropped the ball, don't give a shit and you can never access these characters because...fuck you? At least they wouldn't say it blatantly like that.

I still found the game quite fun and such after digging into the dev mode due that I showcase in this video

With the DLC unlocked, you get to have a hell of a lot of fun with all those classic classic He-Man, G.I.Joe and Cobra figures to bring you back to those nostalgic days, if you remember those days of course ;) I also had fun playing He-Man and listening to that song associated with that meme!

Of course, I know these aren't the kinds of games everyone likes and sadly it's not available anymore due to how much Ubisoft completely shit the bed here. The only way I got it was by getting a steam code off Amazon and again, as fun as the game is, there are issues with it in regards to the DLC being bugged and the DRM ruining the game too.


Currently this game is my addiction at the moment as all of it's flashing lights and sounds is keeping me coming back to it, like how it's designed to exploit people like me to swindle cash out of me and then point and laugh at me for doing so. As of yet, it hasn't convinced me to put money down, but damn is it tempting sometimes and I'll get into that.

First, the gameplay:

...or lack-there-of. This is, as the title suggests, one of those idle games that play themselves and most of the time you will be watching bad guys blow up into coins and bosses drop sacks that contain the secondary currency while you sit there, try to get events done, then look at the time and wonder what the fuck happened to your time that this game just stole from you?!?!

The intention is that you click on an enemy, you do damage from somekind of fire blast. You can level this up so you do more damage, however, it doesn't scale well so when you're fighting higher level enemies you can't do anything to them! This is where the heroes come in.

The heroes fight by themselves, usually attacking when their bar fills and often killing an enemy, but this also scaled badly as you will find yourself fighting enemies that are too tough for the current highest level you can afford for your heroes, but here's where the rogue-lite elements play out. You can leave missions and you gain favour. That favour, becomes a passive % bonus to the amount of coins that are dropped. So for example, 10 favour gets you 10% so it's a direct trade off. Pretty nice huh?

...yeah I didn't think you'd fall for that. Currently I struggle to get to area 250 on some places and I have favour in the billions! That should give me characters with levels so eyeball meltingly high that I can bat away anything, but since they often reuse the exact same sprites and the areas cycle over and over then you can find at the beginning of a stage you're batting imps and demons aside like nothing, but later bears and wolves are giving you real grief and are even so strong your attacks to 0 damage! Or atleast, it looks like 0, but their HP is so high that the health bar looks like it doesn't even wince in response to an attack.

Your heroes all get specials and passives that can do things such as boost eveyone's base damage, nuke all the enemies on the field and everything inbetween. They take a while to recharge though so it may help you clear one area, but then you could get knocked back in the following area because it's not recharged.

You can get cute little familiars, but in my experience the only way you can get them is via gems or other paid ways. These are extremely useful as they passively click for you so you don't end up breaking your finger of suffering from RSI!

Equipment! What party can't get equipment! Well, here equipment gives passive buffs to the characters, some giving a passive damage buff to ALL the characters on the field so it's best to bring your best equipped along, but this too is open to monitisation as I'll cover shortly.

Potions are another little boost to improve your party. They last for a limited time with the more powerful ones lasting up to a day or even until that adventure ends!

Feats are something characters gain at a certain level, however, you are limited in your selection and the number of slots you unlock is few and far between. That said, there are advantages such as once it's unlocked, it remains unlocked no matter how many times you reset which can be pretty neat. You only have a few to choose from and others are unlocked in drum roll loot box- I mean, chests!

Yes, chests. As you adveture you'll come across two kinds of basic chests. Silver and Gold. Silver holds some gold for you to use in your current adventure along with the potential of a potion and equipment. However, the equipment has a rarity value and silver only gives you Common to Uncommon for the main starting 12 characters and that's it! You get these in the form of a set of cards. Silver only offering you three.

Gold on the other hand has gives you equipment from uncommon to rare, bounty contracts to gain rewards for what you would've spent time to get, blacksmith contracts for leveling up equipment and you get five cards instead of three. A few other characters are also covered by these gold chests too and the price, in gems is very different. Silver is 50 whilst gold is 500. A massive difference when you seem to only get gems after a boss fight and even then, often under 10. You could also buy the gold ones for $5.99! Bloody rip off, considering.

Then you have heroes who have their own unique chests. These are for all kinds of heroes that have been unlocked in events and such, like most recently the event that's going on I unlocked "The Dark Urge" from BG3, a game I've yet to actually play and doesn't have this microtransaction BS in it.

Numerous champsions have their own exclusive chests so you can't get their equipment even in the normal golden chests that are on market and you have to pay a premium for them which, during the current event, is either a grind of 7,500 flags or $5.99. Same price as a regular gold chest, but you have the change to get equipment for that specific character!

The other bit I find a little bit insideous is that they advertise whenever they or a partner is streaming or posting up YouTube videos and each time, you get a code to unlock an "Electrum" chest which often gives you the majority of things you find in a gold chest, but also a handful of gems to try and get you hooked into that economy.

There's also multiple skins for everyone, because of course. You can't just get skins, you need to buy them or unlock them in special events and then there's these things called "Modron" Parts which I have no idea what they are as I've not progressed beyond the first main campaign as I've been sucked into the events going and trying to accomplish them because my brain wants a full set of items for the collection. Atleast, I've stopped it from buying into it.

It may seem fun with the gameplay images, but trust me, it's not. Especially if you are susceptible to these kinds of monetisation scams I highly recommend you stay the fuck away from this! It's so full of microtransactions all over the place that you could easily end up penniless.

Stay away for your own safety.

Edit: Forgot to mention, they seem to have this nasty habit of referring to their micro-transactions as "DLC" when in reality it isn't. It's micro-transactions. It comes off much like when Bethesda were trying to call their paid mods "Mini DLCs" and I can't stand this disgusting position that these kinds of predatory companies like to stand.

I streamed this a while back, but I had played it many times before and I wanted to share this fairly unknown classic with my friends.

Both myself and a friend saw a certain badass character as appearance goals and I thought I was the only one...

Anyway, enough of my identity crisis there.

I bought my physical copy from a shop when I was returning from a school trip to France and wanted it purely for the anime cover.

The story is about an evil witch who wishes to destroy the universe... I think. Memory and translation was a little spotty at times.

Since everyone wants to battle with her for their own reasons, either to save the world or take her power or even something more personal, they come from a wide variety of backgrounds with a school girl who is also a touch tomboy martial arts fighter, a magician, a warrior dressed like he comes straight out of Power Rangers or Ultraman, a psychopath possessed by an evil blade and more.

There are a few fully animated scenes in the intro and the epilogue of every character, but, not as much as what was in Ghost in the Shell for the PS1.

The game has massive replayability as you get a different story and each opening and ending to a match plays like a anime series from light-hearted magical girl to gritty and depressed shows of the 90s, minus the gore beyond the red pixels. Even the final boss, when you unlock her, has her own story that adds more character to her than you'd see in most fighting games made at around this time.

I only mark it a little lower because the hitboxes can be a little buggy at times, often leading to BS moments. Especially with the final boss who has high damaging moves that leave little room for error, but they're not impossible and still a lot of fun.

Stream + gameplay

Great new episode with another bunch of new alien creatures to kill. These episodes were meant to release the rest quicker rather than simply making a Half-Life 3, but this has taken sometime and there is still no sign of Episode Three.

Hell yeah! This game is just tons of fun. Even though it is a FPS you don't gain any offensive weapons. All you have a the portal gun which can open up two holes. A blue one and a amber one where you can travel through. This helps you teleport and jump due to the increased momentum as well as defeat enemy turrets by knocking them down by letting them fall through a hole or even if a missile is aimed at you the portal can be used to travel though, miss you and hit the turret or something. Not to mention there is the classic song "Still Alive" and the popular line "The Cake is a Lie" , plus it's based in the Half-Life universe.

A game that is well worth it and can run on low spec very well. After all, it ran on my laptop brilliantly and that's amazing these days. Can't wait to get Portal 2.

Been sucked into the world of Skyrim recently. I think when I last played a elder scrolls game (marrow wind) I was more interested in other games and the story didn't have me too involved since it was such a open world, however this is quite different and they've clearly improved in many places, especially one problem I found was the old journal system, this is FAR better and steam workshop to upload mods just makes it so much better to do simple things like fix errors, better UI, optional beginnings and so on. I haven't touched many of the cosmetic mods, but this game is definitely worth the price. However I recommend getting it only if you have the free time. It's a HUGE world and there are a lot of things to do in it no matter if you choose to be a somewhat nice guy or a evil bastard.

Edit: With time, this game has aged like milk from how the company keeps reposting the same damn game over and over again that has huge worlds, but next-to-no content in this world that they boast about whilst also being filled with bugs that the far better and more competent modding community have fixed decades ago, at this point!

It seems Bethesda are great at making these empty shell of a game, but, refuse to actually put anything into this shell and get angry when others out there fill it up with their own things. To the point that they are once again attempting to do the whole "paid mods" thing that they tried to get away with last time with Fallout 4 and the creation club, however, they didn't learn their lesson from last time. Especially, as pointed out, the mods on the creation club are nowhere near as good as those for free and they were FAR too restrictive in regards to what mods added, including going on about lore and such when they violate that far too much themselves!

I've given up giving Bethesda any money or benefit of the doubt because they've shown themselves that they don't care about the games themselves, but how much they can squeeze out of you. It's especially apparent in the DLC they release often being the equivalent to mods you get for free, with some excuses.

A very fun and also quite sexy game that can even be played one-handed for you perverts out there ;)

Edit: Essentially it's a arcade shooter where as you progress, you shoot down enemies and the characters in the background begin to strip off the more you progress with points until all of their clothing disappears.

There's not much else I can really add to this as the game is fairly obvious in what it's set out to accomplish.

No idea how they made it work, but they did. they managed to merge MMORTS with MMOFPS. Basically as the commander you get to build structures to help the team protect resource points like turrets, dispensers and so on and they can be various classes specialised in many different ways. 4 main classes, but each of those has 3 selections to their abilities (except the exo who has only 2).

A enjoyable game and a lot of fun trying to out-think the enemy commander and get into his base. Team work is the best for this game as you will need to focus your abilities to outsmart the enemy and then win the game. Definitely worth a look at.

This was a real fun game to play on stream really. The game felt a lot like a resident evil clone, but unlike those terrible ones, this one was really cool with dinosaurs being a big reason, but it was also well made with decent puzzles and they added a bleeding mechanic that makes avoiding the dinosaurs far more desperate.

Whilst writing this, I am certainly considering replaying this, but taking a different path to try to get a different ending and see what else could happen.

A classic survival horror game that should never be forgotten.

Stream + gameplay

A old game, but definitely fun and worth the small price. You play as the ghost master, commanding ghosts and going on missions to scare hapless mortals and rescue trapped ghosts, but the mortals are not without their defences. Beware of Mediums, Witches and the Ghost Breakers (cause clearly breakin' makes you feel good) who will hunt down your ghosts and attempt to exorcise them from the haunting location.

This is a game I would love to see a sequel to as there are things that need a bit of altering to it with not much re-play value apart from attaining new powers by revisiting levels and scaring the wits out of people, which is always entertaining.

Edit: Going back to this, I am a massive fan of this game and I have played it multiple times and even more fun to be had thanks to the extended ghosts mod that adds not only ghosts that were still in the code but unused, but they have also worked at adding even more that had been dropped onto the cutting room floor and were only every concepts beforehand.

My Guide

I also found a really cool Discord group who are behind making these mods to update the game to modern resolutions and also add the various ghosts as I mentioned before. I discovered whilst posting up my reviews of Ghost Master games both of the PC and the PS2. The latter being awfully terrible and this group are really cool people to share stuff with.

If you join I hope to see you there in the future!

Ghost Master Discord

Ghost Master Stream + Gameplay

Ghost Master: The Gravenville Chronicles (PS2) Stream + Gameplay

First I'll start with that I had a really good time with this game. I'm certainly not a Castelvania nut, but I can bet that this is the best unoffical continuation of a series that Konami has given up on.

I love the mechanic of gaining shards from these demons, gaining new powers and abilities. Either passive or special transportation abilities gained from defeating bosses that can get you to move past certain obsticles like large areas, a reflecting power and even a teleportation ability right near the end. You also gain huge numbers of weapons to choose from between things such as boots, whip, sword, dagger and others. There's also a huge number of secrets, making the whole game endlessly replayable to try and find all the secrets in the game and the short-cuts to new areas.

If you want my first impressions, here's the first part of my Stream of this game:
[Stream + gameplay[(

Beyond that, playing this game was an experience and I was always looking forward to my next stream of playing this game! Hope you have just as much fun as I did too!

This is one of those games that had never made it to the west and it's a real shame because this game is a lot of fun with a lot of re-playable value to it!

Gameplay wise, it's very similar to 3rd person horror games like Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill and Cold Fear to name a few. Your resources aren't as limited since the enemies do respawn if you go too many rooms away and they drop ammo and healing items, however, this is something that works in the game's favour as you will need to grind up experience on your weapons.

Yes, your weapons gain experience and level up just like an RPG of somekind, becoming a better and more powerful version every couple of levels and even changing function too.

The reasoning is the weapons are made at this facility with the same abilities of the monsters, called vampires, by being able to constantly evolve and yes like Countdown Vampires, this game plays fast and loose with the term "vampires" but it's actually a good game so it doesn't bother me that much!

The monsters are extremely creepy and make me think of a cross between Silent Hill and H.R.Gigar's works as the creatures are both a morbid mixture of exposed organs and mechanical parts implanted into living flesh. A real Cronenbergian monster horror show going on, including that with the bosses too!

The story itself is a fairly by-the-numbers one where your character missed his chance at love after a friend of his stole his research AND his girlfriend, but was invited by her to come down to the lab to assist them in a project that's currently going on, but after arriving you take the elevator down and a explosion happens, trapping you deep inside this facility where you will have to arm yourself to fight off the approaching horrors!

I got myself a ROM translation of this game online and I'm more than happy to share with you all so you can get the chance to play this great game: (Removed link as the platform doesn't want to support "piracy" which is questionable.)

The one behind the patch apologised for confusing moments as English isn't their first language and I was informed that there are 4 endings! Though I only managed to unlock two of them.

Gameplay + Stream

An interesting hybrid between FPS and platforming which is a risky move considering Oddworld have only ever done platforming, but their own humour comes into it and using insects and small animals as ammunition is always funny. You have many RPG elements with upgrading weapons, health and so on by buying stuff from the store and getting far more money from catching the person alive rather than dead.

I highly recommend this to any fan of the Oddworld series. Not yet seen the end, but it is an amazing game that I've had trouble to stop playing.