This was a hard one to recommend due to all the issues, some still present since release. Not to mention that it had been outsourced to a company who had only ever dealt with consoles in the past and they've now claimed that it's so badly messed up from that, that it's potentially unfixable.

There are still framerate drops, FPS is still stuck at 30 from what I've seen and at one point I jumped through a building and fell into a never-ending hole so I had to reset the game.

However, the good parts. The story for this is VERY good. Many villains returning after Joker's death and this new villain who is a mysterious individual from Batman's past. I love the various driving mechanics and getting into fights with the many different drones to take on and making the city safe by defusing bombs and capturing different villains, though some were more disappointing and others were really awesome.

I'm surprised at the number of villains they managed to fit into the game and all the many different things that you can do with new gadgets, new moves and so on.

This is why it's hard for me to say yes or no to this game as the core game itself is very good, but it's been riddled with awful bugs, terrible mismanagement with outsourcing the game to a studio with next to no experience of PCs, the terrible PR from WB and DLC which I hear isn't even worth the price-tag that it's under.

In all for the game itself I'd recommend it, but prepare for the odd frame freeze and glitch still about.

A very fun little turn-based game based on the Cthulhu mythos during WW1. This game is a lot of fun, however it really cheap-shots you at times by having enemies appear off-screen with no warning, making planning very difficult at times. The story is certainly a lot of fun too with the reanimates and the various monstrous creatures that continue to attack as well as the creepy sounds the dark children make when they die.

I'd recommend this game if you're a fan of lovecraftian tales and turn-based strategy, but the game does have it's problems, especially with a lack of explanation for how to use certain abilities can really make it frustrating at times, but I still enjoyed it and had a lot of fun with the game.

Having played this it's pretty disappointing. It just appears to be a lightly modified and improved version of the last Fallen Enchantress game, unlike the really awesome Endless Legend which has a lot more variety and feel to it. I find that even with the enemy AI being set to easy that they are still a great pain in the ass.

The major improvement they have done with this game is made it so that heroes level up in more complex and interesting ways which works well when you make your own kind of hero, however it doesn't excuse being a separate game from the original, in my opinion.

It'd be worth it on a sale as the game itself is rather fun and great for anyone looking for a fun 4X game, but I'd stick with Endless Legend instead, which has it's own interesting story unfold too.

Any fan of Game of Thrones will love and quite possibly have the same hate for the series in that you love it, but hate how characters you love die and it seems there is no way out. You need to be smart with your choices and weight the consequences in your hands like any smart person in that universe for when you play the game of thrones you either win or you die and that is something hammered in well in this series.

I'm glad the characters I loved survived, however we'll see what happens in the future as there have been confirmed rumours for a sequel and I'd love to see what happens in the end.

I've been a fan of the series since jumping in as Frank West chasing a story and sadly the game has never had as an interesting character as Frank. I believe the game is alright, but I wouldn't rate it too highly.

The Good:
-Great crafting mechanic. A bit hilarious with some of the combos, but some very destructive and fun combos
-Lots of endless zombies!
-A large open world that feels like a real city
-More than enough time for missions
-Levelling up gives you the ability to substitute parts that are similar as well as a choice.
-Safe houses give you the ability to regain weapons you've either crafted or items you've picked up so you can combine them.
-The plot is interesting, but disappointing in some aspects, which I won't spoil here.

The Bad:
-Due to roadblocks, which do make for some creative ways of travel, can be a real pain when you need to get to the third area from the 1st.
-The bad-end exploration where you find people who killed themselves it plays a depressing music tune, but you get awful puns like someone who set themselves on fire and it says "They couldn't stand the heat." or other stupid lines which don't reflect the music, nor the character's reaction and comes off like a kid trying to use dark humour.
-When I was first playing the game I had no idea how to get rid of Survivors. In previous games, you simply brought them back to the safe house as the idea was you were trying to get survivors out of the area or, in the case of Dead Rising 2, hole up in a bunker until the military sweep up. Here, survivors are 2 types. Ones who you save and run off, earning you PP whilst others tag along with you like old games, but that is their main use. As backup muscle and it's never explained how to remove them from the party.

The Ugly:
-Though there aren't any issues with graphics normally, there is often a terrible "pop-in" effect where everything is low rez for a few seconds and then cleans itself up.
-This will be hit or miss with people but most of the character's themselves are rather bland and i never really felt a sense of urgency when they were in danger. I felt about as concerned as Willy Wonka "No, stop, come back.
-for me there's not enough to warrant a second play-through unless you are one of those people who needs 100% completion. Besides from that there's really no other reason.

Overall I'd recommend this game on a discount, but certainly not the full price as I don't feel it quite justifies it.

Quite a fun game and very addictive. I love the use of Lovecraftian Lore and recognise a few areas from where I was reading a collection of Lovecraft's collections.

However It's certainly not too easy and you do have some shops owned by various creatures and if you're like me, you can attempt to kill the shop owner, but they aren't a easy kill and will most likely kill you.

I often found myself getting lost and frustrated however which was quite a pain as some of the layouts can be a little complex and I'd get lost.

For the short amount of time I played this game I found it very addictive. It was fun to jump quickly between each platforms and at the same time the game would alter things about and your random character would change too with new abilities. I got it off a bundle for cheap and certainly wasn't disappointed :)

A interesting, though strange game that I've often called "Furry Fire Emblem" due to the large number of furry and monstrous characters in this game. Especially as the first few you get are a fox and a wolf anthros.

The game is a turn-based, grid sectioned RPG where you fight against the ruling government who have become corrupt as the main character refused to kill the innocent children and civilians who were minding their own business.

After escaping, you find yourself simply trying to get away from the army as they're hunting you down, but you also fight them off and end up with the military targeting the innocents, soon leading up to these wayward soldiers joining the resistance and actively fighting the empire.

All actions have an alignment to them and your medallion changes form depending on what other things you do such as what actions lead to more deaths, killing soldiers unnecessarily and also leading to that grinding punishing your alignment standing towards the more chaos route.

Beyond that though, a real pain is that it's not obvious as I didn't know about this until accidentally doing this and then there was a moment where I needed to take a route I was totally unaware of existing, but you were meant to do so and I got punished for not seeing this which made the game very frustrating and led to me putting this game on the metaphorical shelf for the moment and to return to it at a later date.

Gameplay + Stream

(Note: Bought and played this not long after release so my memory might be a little off)

I initially bought this in a splurge moment and it was fun for as long as I've played it, however, I did often find that I soon ended up with so much money I'm sure I could've run for president!

Anyway, I do love these turn-based games and I was expecting this game to be like the VERY old game, Gangsters, however, it seems that unlike that game, the city map and the combat map are very different. This isn't a bad thing, but just not what I was imaging, but it kinda makes sense anyway.

You can set up your own little businesses, both legitimate and illegitimate, like producing alcohol during times of prohabition, running a lottery (which you can choose to rig or not, I don't because I believe everyone should be able to get the money to spend) and I remember having your own law-firm where I ended up paying them so much that I struggled to have any dirty money to use on anything and only had clean!

The combat is a lot of fun and your melee characters are actually very useful, often delivering some very nasty blows to those you're up against.

There's a lot of new DLC for it now and I am certainly considering revisiting it at a later date when I get that DLC to see what I may or may not have missed.

A waste of an Arkham game really. It was stupid to make an Arkham Game like this, though the idea was somewhat interesting as they brought in one or two extra characters, however to turn a sandbox into a side-scrolling 2.5D game is crap and it seems Assassin's Creed is doing the same, sadly.

It doesn't work too well with the scanner, forcing you to scan everything and then all of a sudden, I was stuck in a locked room where there was a pile of crap that was meant to hide an entrance yet there was nothing to do, no prompting of buttons and leading to a deadend. Glad I didn't spend anything much on this as it was given to me via a bundle.

A game that should've been sooo successful. The only problem I have here is that Ubisoft clearly just dumped it here without making sure it worked fine for PC because they don't care about some of the genius games that take control of, becoming the European EA.

Edit: So, this is one of those games that I have played this game multiple times on several consoles because of how much I enjoyed playing this! I've played it on PS2, PS3, PC and I think that's it...really I had enjoyed this so much that I've played it multiple times and also got 100% on it in regards to achievements for the HD versions.

For those who don't know, you play as Jade. A young woman who is a photographer and you can earn cash from recording and documenting creatures of all kinds on the planet for conservation purposes, but the main game is about Jade surviving on a planet that a evil group, known as the Doms are attacking and she soon gets involved in exposing and investigating a conspiracy that ultimately ends up with her saving the universe.

Update: The digital upscaling, like most games is fairly superficial and not really that much different from what can be achieved with emulators and it was sold on the lie that if you buy this, then MAAAAAAYBE the sequel will come out. It was announced to finally be in development several years after this update had been released and as of now, 1st of April 2024, heard no more info about it.

Ending my 400 follower month with one of the greatest Castlevania games of all time!

A Castlevania game that represents the whole term "Metroidvania" with the massive and many areas where you have to revisit and gain new powers and abilities to progress further.

I got the bad ending, but I hope to return to this at a later date to fight through and get to the true ending!

Gameplay + Stream

The PlayStation game here has quite a few issues that make it a very frustrating game to play. Most is, of course, the lack of a skip or speed up feature so that when have to redo a scene, you have to rewatch the whole thing again! Even if you've completed it, you still have to subject yourself to the same scenes before unlocking any new scenes. I make return to this at a later date though...

Stream + gameplay

An absolutely awesome addition to the Saints Row series. Originally, this was meant to be a DLC for Saints Row The Third, but they decided it was big enough to be it's own game and I totally agree. This took me so long to complete and I had a lot of fun doing all the extra stuff and the DLC to this game was a lot of fun too. Especially the Christmas stuff...even though I am trying NOT to think about Christmas considering it's only bloody October, lol.

I'd highly recommend this game for any fan of Saints Row and I love seeing the return of a few fan-favourite characters :)

Edit: Looking back, the game is a lot of fun, though there are some story issues that I won't mention for spoiler reasons, but it is a little bit of an issue. That said, the whole going full super-powered and kind of insane matrix-level stuff is certainly a lot of fun and I found myself spending MANY hours with this game, though anything in regards to driving is often easily ignored since why bother driving anywhere when you can run super fast and knock aside vehicles whilst doing this? Same in regards to the jumping, flying and gliding. That's no real reason to use vehicles at all unless you want to be a completionist or use a military vehicle with guns and such on board.

Having completed this once before on the PS3 I felt no real need to complete it, however I hadn't played the 4th or even Gat out of Hell yet so I certainly didn't mind playing this again. As always, the saints are a lot of fun, though this game is where they went REALLY wacky. they sort of were in SR2, but this game took it to a whole new level. Especially with the various different DLCs you can get in this game like starting a movie career or doing even more fun Genki-releated stuff!

If you haven't played this yet I highly recommend it. It's a massive open world with LOTS to do and each task being more fun than the last!

Edit: Looking back, there are issues with this game if you were to compare it to the previous games in the series. Though I've still not yet played the first Saints Row, however, Saints Row 2 was my introduction to the series and I found it superior to GTA in just about every way. Especially as the kind of world they're in, many other people do crazy stuff too, which can be a real pain at times to get caught in a crossfire and explosions, but the story and the things you do as a member of the Saints Row gang, are really dark and in this game it goes from a game that was still somewhat based in reality (as much as GTA), but this one goes far more into being more of a cartoon characters, though not quite as much as the 4th one.