My favourite game of all time. The first roguelike I ever played, and will probably be my favourite roguelike for a long time. A super-addicting hack'n'slash that reminds me of the visceral fun I had as a kid playing Dynasty Warriors and Ratchet & Clank, on top of abundant replay value, loads of scope for experimentation, a great cast, stunning visuals and a fantastic OST. A masterpiece. Over 250 hours by the way because I'm mad.

Similar hack'n'slash gameplay to Dynasty Warriors, but the characters' play styles are more distinct from each other and the vibe is much more my thing, with the goofy humour and the very colourful visuals. A ton of fun to play, and another supreme time-sink for me.

Played this in 2018, and I played it to death just like with DW5. Can't say I'm a Musou stan or that I'm super-attached to the characters, but the core hack'n'slash gameplay is just something I'm a sucker for.

I probably put even more time into this than DW5 itself, the focus on trying to conquer China and the light strategy elements gave it a lot of longevity for me.

If I played this nowadays I would probably think it's just decent, but it was a defining game of my childhood and I put an insane amount of time into this game and enjoyed it a lot.

Had a lot of fun with this for over a year and it's a solid rhythm game, but felt like moving on from it in the end

Don't own the game, but played co-op with a friend and had a lot of fun

Online was patchy and never truly fixed, but for core gameplay, presentation and sheer volume of content, incredible and almost everything a Crash fan could've asked for. I spent many hours keeping up with the monthly Grand Prix events and improving at the game, but I enjoyed almost every second.

My chief obsession as a kid, absolutely adored this game.

Very solid remake, and Future Tense level is based

Took the Free Trial, but it didn't take off as a multiplayer game in my friend circle so I let it go. Also, superior versions seem to be available on other consoles. However, the Kevin level theme is a really fun song.