31 Reviews liked by TWCX

I used to hate this game when I first completed it when EP19 came out with a friend. It was tedious, the puzzles were more infuriating than fun and the fields felt less like a gimmick and more just a win more for certain opponents.

However I think nowadays this is actually the best Pokemon fangame to date. There are problems here and there that are unavoidable but it's also partly a product of it's time.

While I don't know if this should be allowed, I'm going to talk in this review with the AllGen mod in mind and some other QoL mods in mind. Since that's how I'm getting my replay value and imo is the best way to experience this game.

Story is actually pretty okay, I used to think it was shit but considering what it started out as I think it did a good job. That doesn't mean it's perfect though, there's a lot of characters who only get their development postgame and the story feels incomplete partly without playing that. However considering what they were trying to do, put a more dark spin on the Pokemon formula they succeeded, ofcourse there were still "cringe" escue elements but atleast it's not like Insurgence or generic like most other fangames which don't even try.

Characters are probably the biggest weak point of this game. The main cast and side characters actually feel pretty strict until Gym 9 or so where they introduce like 10+ characters at once whom also are hard to sometimes to tell apart. So at times it can feel like there's multiple copies of the same character on the screen.

Honestly the highlight here has to be Cain who doesn't even feel like he should be in this game. He's like a joke character who one of the developers snuck in trying to make fun of the game by being as disconnected from the narrative as possible but then you remember he exists cause his dialogue is absolute garbage. Which is explained a bit more postgame but I don't think it's valid reasoning. He's simultaneously the best and worst character. Speaking about postgame, the fact that so many characters backstory is relegated to it is a bit unfortunate but it is what it is. Sigmund for example is probably one of my favourite characters but you don't really get any of his motivations till midway postgame, so your essentially grasping at straws and he just feels like someone who does things cause they needed such a character in the story till then.

Battles are mostly balanced, there's some fields that are pretty bullshit though, mostly the fairy field. I think most other fields are fair with maybe the exception of any which lower speed if your not flying or water. Cause they essentially force u to always be slower. Field transitions are healthy for the game though, it's just unfortunate that often they are extremely specific to achieve.

Pokemon wise, basegame includes up till gen 7 which is a decent roster. If u play with AllGen which is the definitive experience in my opinion. You'll be seeing pretty much every pokemon appear in some way. (7.2a at the time of this review includes every pokemon) plus custom content which is always a plus. Custom megas in that mod also exist and dynamax forms are also added to give more spice to your team. The Future of AllGen all in all is looking pretty promising with Tera on the horizon and the development of the AG switches to make the game even more difficult.

Visually the game is pretty good, had me suprised sometimes even on how the sprites for the legendaries are rendered so well in postgame. My only complaint visually is probably the characters, often from top down they look very samey if their hair colour is the same.

OST is phenomenal. I didn't actually realize how many of the infuriating puzzles in this game are atleast doable cause the music keeps you going. There's a ton of original soundtrack which is well made, "Splash" for example pretty much saves that entire sewer area. "Crystal" is a great track if given time to build up. Not to mention the many amazing battle songs. "Umbral" and "Elite 4 Battle" to mention a few. Some of the tracks are remixes of some other Pokemon games but they're far and between.

Overall I can't believe I'm giving this a 4.5* years later. Probably one of the most solid Pokemon experiences you can find assuming you can deal with some of the puzzles. At worst u can just use wallhacks on subsequent playthroughs.

a product of a masterpiece case study in how anime and lack of outside human contact can completely ruin a human being. really makes you think.

im generally weary of the whole meta, self-aware, genre-riffing shtick these days but this is the absolute kindest, most gentle way someone could have the epiphany 'the series i have been working on is legitimately insane and has a target demographic of the most unwell people on the internet' and the MBTI/carrd.co/ao3/(insert niche subculture here) teens all interpreted it in bad faith. imagine going 'so no head?' to a work that fundamentally thinks well of you despite it all

When Nagito Komaeda is not on screen, the other characters should be asking "Where's Nagito Komaeda?"

If this game was a person I'd beat the shit out of it.

This series is basically Total Drama for hardcore weebs but no one will admit it.



I’ve done hundreds of playthroughs of this but tbh I’ve never seen the appeal and still don’t

Have to perform a certain amount of blowjobs on the cartridge to get the game to work

Not playing this because I would never hurt a woman

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

rayman's pose in this cover is the most gangster shit i've ever seen

you deserve a refund if you pirate this tbh

OU soyboys be like " I love team building! Just gotta make sure I'm still using my Gen 5 team of Landorus T, Weavile, Garchomp, Ferrothorn and Heatran and then I can choose 1 more on my very own, I'm such a free thinker😊 "

UU chads be like " Lmao Qwilfish is in this tier? I wanna use this mf 🤣🤣🤣 "