27 reviews liked by Tacho_de_Pintura

a cool slaughter-to-the-beat fps that's all about style. i havent played many rhythm games, but hellsinger nudged me into looking at them some more. except osu!, im not that big of a loser. hellsinger's got combos to build up a fury stack, so this game's equivalent of a combo meter like DMC or Ultrakill's style bar, but it actually benefits you to score as high as you can. you get little buffs between hit streaks like explosive attacks for example, but it's really the music that keeps you going for higher scores. each attack on a beat deals the highest damage that an attack can dish out while also giving you more fury to your fury meter. so not only do you want to be as stylish as you can because thats the fun way to play, it's also the best way to play if you want to stay alive and kill enemies. great combat, although the movement is a bit too slow for my tastes, and great music (serj tankian provided vocals for the final boss fight!!). hellsinger's a good way to spend a weekend because of it's 4 hour run time but it doesnt overstay its welcome. i enjoyed my time with the game and was satisfied when it ended. i dont think i'll go back to beat my scores, i'll just reminisce on the game if i ever think about rhythm shooters.

I had a blast with this game. The idea to combine the Doom-like FPS gameplay with the core of a rhythm game is genius. I'm not a metal guy, I rarely listen to metal tracks at all and still I enjoyed so much this game. I think I liked all songs and every single level, but in the final one I ended up being so captured and "in the flow" that I was not even thinking, just firing to the beat and having so much dopamine in my brain at every "perfect" shot I got. I followed the story and I have nothing to say about it, it's ok, I liked the open ending with some hope for a sequel.

Everything that it accomplishes thematically is amazing, but the gameplay is very, very bland.

Exactly as unsubtle as it needed to be (while also having a surprising amount of subtlety in other areas) considering the games that it serves as a criticism of, all of the Yahtzees and TotalBiscuits who say that the white phosphorous scene is "like mooning someone and then shaming them for looking at a butt" while not batting an eye at any other war shooter can fuck off (I mean they can also fuck off for a metric shitton of other reasons but this isn't quite the review for that).

in hindsight this is literally the only valid military shooter (unless you count things like the opening of Wolfenstein TNO)

A run of the mill TPS with a really interesting story and some tripy visuals, plus one or two neat mechanics. It's anti war message has been done before and has been done way better, is still a great exploration of the type of protagonist Walker represent.
The way it guilt trips the player tho, is pure bullshit, and is even more bullshit if you are not from the US, so don't take those messages too seriously.

Massive respect for any shooter willing to be a full on retelling of Heart of Darkness while relentlessly mocking gamers' bootlicking of American imperialism.

This game is constantly praised to death for it's political storytelling, but it's true, this game has a pretty good story. Aside from that it's an above average cover shooter, suffering from many of the common flaws, but still introducing interesting ideas where it can, along with it's unique and beautiful semi-realistic, semi-surreal setting. This game could have been better, but I respect it's humility.

the only people who hate this games narrative are dipshits who take personal offense to the idea that their hobby can be both enriching and enjoyable and also fulfill a disgusting role as glorification of conflict with or without their agency.

Just wish the rest of it wasn't so mediocre.

I finished Spec Ops: The Line a few hours ago and the game blew my mind. The story of the game was such a surprise and was extremely well written. The campaign was really short and only clocked in around 6 hours, but it was great. If you've read the book Heart of Darkness or watched the film Apocalypse Now (which you should) you may find this game very familiar with its plot, but has its own spin and obviously just take inspiration. I really don't want to spoil anything, but don't pass this off as a generic modern military shooter. It's more than that. The gameplay is honestly pretty mediocre and average. It's probably the weakest part of the game, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun sometimes. I'd highly recommend this game, but only get it when it's one sale. It's a short campaign with an amazing story. Also, stay FAR away from the multiplayer. 8/10.

Saying to much is already spoiling it so I will just give you the bullet notes:

Once generic cover based shooting has become fun and unique again in 2018
Using the environment as weapon is more than just a one level gimmick
Your squad is actually useful and you will care for them
The story really shows what games can do as an art form

I could even recommend you letting your dad play through this game.