9 reviews liked by TadThuggish

lets not beat around the bush: this game was proudly written and directed by a gamergater and it shows.

the elephant in the room is the cumans. now itd make sense that a bunch of uneducated catholic peasants would be resentful of the unfamiliar cuman mercenaries hired to pillage and murder across the peaceful countryside. but this game seems rather indulgent in having every single character loudly voice their opinion that the cumans are all godless savages, evil to the core. there is of course no effort to provide any sympathy or resolution for the cuman people at large. people love to pull the excuse of "well, [insert asian steppe culture here] isnt around anymore, so im not hurting anybody by calling them corrupt eastern barbarians" but its painfully obvious they just want an excuse to talk about how scared they are of asians.

a point of contention is that theres nothing but white people throughout the game. people love to shout about how of course there werent any black people there at the time, but whats actually relevant is that there were of course many different turkic people living in 15th century bohemia, but their only representation in this game are the foreign cuman murderers and rapists there to antagonize you the whole time.

another point of contention is the role of women. sure, you dont need to portray a world of total gender equality. but its very possible to have any sort of sensitivity, of which there is absolutely none to be found in this game. women tell you stories late at night in your bedroom of their husbands tragic death, and how good and strong you are; you rescue them from scary asian invaders; your characters mother doesnt even have a name before shes brutally killed because her husband failed to save her.

and now for things you gamers actually care about. the game is very poorly optimized for pc, with severe pop in issues and wildly unstable framerate. the game boasts of an open world full of quests, but every side quest is a blatantly half assed fetch quest. the game as a whole is a very promising immersive sim with very creative combat i guess, but most people wont like how intentionally punishing and inconvenient it is.

The game that dared to ask if Slaves were as bad as their owners

i bet it was crazy to be there for this one

Imagine being so transphobic you actually loop back around into breaking new ground for trans characters in all of pop culture.

I don't think I've ever been more jealous of a creative environment than the one that let this happen, nor have I been more disappointed at the complete rejection this game was met with by the public at large.

you all let some racist on youtube convince you to hate this game but it's good and i'm tired of pretending it isn't

Fuck all of you, I registered both the Wii U and 3DS versions of the game via Club Nintendo before March 31, 2015 and received a free download code for Mewtwo on April 15, 2015. Stay jealous.