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6 mins ago

Taering completed Watch Dogs: Legion - Bloodline
A disappointment; I thought Aiden would carry the DLC but like with Kratos or any masculine male character for that matter; they made him a femboy.
"Some fights you just gotta lose" my ass. And then people start glazing it and praising how developed his character has become and shit. Him becoming soft doesn't automatically mean developed character; same with Kratos. The exact same problem actually. Adding onto that is how bad the optimization for the game is, even on really good PCs like my friends' and some vids I've watched, it's really badly optimized; but then again it's Ubisoft so... honestly, It's pretty sad.

9 mins ago

11 mins ago

13 mins ago

13 mins ago

14 mins ago

Taering shelved Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
Meh. Very meh. Doesn't change much from the base game apart from no glitches as well as a more Hollywood-ish vibe considering they got Idris Elba in so it feels more like bragging rights than anything else.

14 mins ago

Taering reviewed Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Easily one of the best games I've ever played; the characters are fun, the settings are very entertaining, the game doesn't get boring or stale; even the puzzles, even though in action-adventures puzzles usually get stale very quickly, in this one it is very fun; I played through the entire trilogy twice and I didn't get bored once lol. It is a masterpiece, no doubt.

15 mins ago

Taering reviewed Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Pretty fun game; fun and very straightforward campaign with a lot of action, mystery, and I love how Uncharted 1 in particular has a really dark undertone to it, especially near the end with all the mysterious zombie thingies; the unfortunate thing is that after all that build-up and teasing of the monsters as it turns out they're just regular zombies which is pretty sad, alas I liked the game a lot.

16 mins ago

Taering reviewed Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
Seems like a fun game, is kind of a fun game, but the problem is it's way too repetitive... just very same-y. The story isn't all that interesting and Ratchet and Rivet fail to really captivate me, their gameplay is more of the same it is just a different skin; there are no differences in gameplay elements or key changes between each gameplay style, it is all the same just shoot, explore, destroy crates, move around from point A to B, and the story is kinda mid.

I think it is a light and enjoyable experience though; I like the general goofy mood of the game, if I am ever feeling down I think of this game and would love to play it at a time like that; it is very innocent and light-hearted.

22 mins ago

3 hrs ago

Taering reviewed Plants vs. Zombies
Pretty good game, I just find myself stopping at the fog or the pool thing and never going anywhere farther than that; not because I get stuck or anything I just replay through it, get there, stop, and then end up replaying it again because either my save file disappeared or I wanted a fresh start lol.

3 hrs ago

3 hrs ago

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