8 reviews liked by TaiManaLlyood

Story more impactful because of Yakuza 0 although on its own it doesnt reach the same level.

majima and lee oiled up twerking competition

My girl left me but she doesn't know I was TH10 and used Miners + Wizards. If I told her she would have stayed, right?

Most abusive relationship i've had in my life and its with a video game

my horny ass could NOT handle the pizza tower.... you better hide gustavo 😈

Another one based on the Arkham games, this one has some crafting and survival elements and you can also drive around the wasteland. One big con for the game is the grind, youre forced to do boring fetch quests and collecathons to unlock the next story mission. I feel this was done to artificially make the game feel longer than it is. Huge recommend for Mad Max fans.

God, I wish they made a sequel of this.