Looking at my videogame journey uncritically for a moment to remember the games that left a lasting impression on me despite their flaws (or lack thereof). This could be because of it's art style, the music, a single character, or even the game as a whole.

This is my humor incarnate.
I've convinced 3 people to go though this game blind and it was so funny seeing their disbelief at what this game throws at them.
Amazing artstyle and music. Gitaroo Man Lives! has a personal top 50 favorite song of all time with "Toda Passiòn"
...if you know you know. Funny game I replay at least once a year with some others along the same style.
Bad game to play through, amazing to watch. This game is pretty in almost all areas. The world building is INSANE. If you're remotely interested in the artistry of this game, please PLEASE look at the concept art.
This is peak Harmonix. The artstyle is perfectly "ugly" in the way it should be. It's a shame that it was dropped in GH III.
Delightfully charming artstyle with a cute story. Smallbu did a really good job with this one.
Probably one of the best arcade-like games out there. It knows what it wants to be and executes it perfectly. Played this the most on the PS Vita of all systems, shit was amazing on that thing.
The best pure action game out there. Bar none. Everything about this game is tuned to near perfection. Been watching and playing since it's release and it still hold up.
Rolito's artstlye has infuenced mine since I first laid my eyes on it. There is NOTHING else out there that looks remotely like this, and it's BEAUTIFUL. I wish the gameplay was much better.
Maniac perk deck IRL. To be more serious, I have a lot of memories associated with this game, specifically with the people I played with. The maniac perk deck is also just really fucking fun and I feel describes me well. Shoutouts to Jimmy and Hardcore Henry.
I remember watching friends play demos of this long before it came out. Thankfully, it's gaming peak. It's one of the tightest and well crafted games ever. Also has a really unique artstyle.
This is the first game I ever bought on PC. I remember getting the disc at gamestop and figuring out how to install steam on my shitty emachine computer.
Grickle does not miss!!! Please follow Graham Annable if you like the look of this.
Mostly the same as Puzzle Agent 1. As said before, thanks Graham Annable!
Engineer my beloved
This was one an old friend recommended to me, and it has stuck with me since. Gorgeous artstyle and some bangers in the mix. I think of them when I remember this game.
This is... an experience. There is nothing I can say that will prepare you for the experience that is Super Bogus World II. Absolutely not for everyone, but those that enjoy fuckshit will have a THC-induced manic episode with this.
I played this a lot when I was younger. Yet, it still sticks with me today. I think it's because of the toons and the weird friends I made that I unfortunately couldn't keep in contact after I stopped playing. Deputy Fleabag Purpleface sends his regards.
This is not a game, it's a third place. I have found and lost a lot in here. Please read my review for clarification.
One of my favorite games of all time. Read my review on it to learn more about my autism.


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