42 Reviews liked by TeaTimeJackie

need her to reck in my balls like iggy (i like cock and ball torture)

shut Thee FUCK UP stupid Dog i am FUCKING BALLING!!!

definitely the 2nd best game i've ever played

definitely the best game i've ever played

what the FUCK do you MEAN it has no DICK!?

this game plays like what mcdonalds sprite probably feels like if u pour it down your urethra

when i cant get the rainbow shard cuz i didn't attach a powered up car battery to my nutsack to open up the nae nae door in stage 4 (the car battery was found in stage 2)

i literally love magalor he's so fluffy (he tried to kill people)

when the old guy said "pardon my age but what is your gender" i started cackling for no reason it's not even that funny.

trust me i'll look past ANY performance issues if u give me a good story and cute animals. i'm an easy woman. i take estrogen. i cry when the doggy does the woof woof.

during interviews a lot they said that they consider this the next step for the series like how sonic adventure was back then and i think that's actually insanely accurate
any fuckin notable issue i have with this game technically, control wise, structurally, etc is so incredibly mute when this is the closest i think a sonic game has ever gotten to fully realizing every idea it wanted to get across

in my eyes, by the end this game's themes in writing/gameplay/music/etc all revolve around showing the heart of sonic and this whole series and why it'll never really die no matter how badly the past can cause you problems
i dunno know if anything for sonic is more perfect than than the final boss telling at you through the entire fight that trying is worthless cuz so many before you have failed only for sonic to never even think twice on pushing ahead anyways

this series means so much to me, and i'm glad to see it back