The Devil May Cry 3 of plane games. The Metal Gear Solid (PS1) of plane games. The Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) of plane games. Don't ask me what the fuck I mean.

I haven't even beaten it yet but it's my favorite shmup ever.

I used to think the idea of doing rap battles by reapeting everything your opponent says was pretty dumb, but now I realize how wrong I was. First of all, they're not battles, they're classes; all the characters are mentors who are teaching PaRappa, so you learn from them by doing as they do. However, they all tell you right before their songs to NOT just repeat them, to come up with your own stuff; that's because that is the best way to learn not just music but everything in life: you CAN just repeat everything your mentors do and get by with that, but to truly grow and improve, you have to take what you learn and remix it, modify it and make it your own, take your master's techniques and change them up and combine them to make a new unique, never-seen-before style. And don't forget to have fun while you do it too.

Cool more homestuck and it's mostly trolls I really wanted to know more about troll culture and such it's cool yeah.

I can't get past the first level because playing on emulator absolutely fucks the input timing but I don't care I still love this game with my heart it's just lovely.

Extremely my brand. I enjoyed it intensely.

Hypest Shmup Ever Made, played the same set of levels again and again and never got bored once, it is an insanely satsifying game. Good in every sense; looks, gameplay, music, and, the one thing that elevates it, narrative and themes, which is the thing I always felt lacks in most shmups and that truly keeps me engaged. Hard to decide between this one and Radiant Silvergun for my favorite shmup ever.
And yes, the true final boss rocks and you can't convince me otherwise.

Troll society is so fucking stupid I love it sorry I can't help it I love these little gray fucks the homestuck parasite is forever lodged into my brain.

Took me like a year of playing on and off to finish it, but I actually really liked it. Everyone says that this is just a very long setup for the rest of the series but I actually think it's a pretty satisfying story by itself, though obviously I'll play the sequels.

This game is just wonderful. IMHO this and legends 2 are the best looking games on the ps1, and two of the best games on the console period. I just really like every single aspect of this game; visuals, gameplay, story, just pure vibes, it's all wonderful.

(English & Español)

I have recently made a friend who is a big Bubble Bobble fan, so I decided to play Bubble Bobble. However, you obviously can't play Bubble Bobble without first playing The Fairyland Story, Taito's game from one year prior that directly influenced Bubble Bobble, so I did. I will preface this by saying I do not have that much experience with 80s arcade games besides the absolute classics.

This game is pretty good, the graphics are very cute as are the character and monster designs, the mechanics are simple at first but you have to really understand and master them to get through the later stages. Talking about that, the later stages are brutal, because they require you to do stuff that feels like exploiting the mechanics. What do you mean I have to use an enemy as a platform while it moves (enemies that kill you on touch if you dont land on them properly or if they decide to jump at just that moment) and then I have to jump so I can just barely poke my head through the unreachable platform and shoot magic at that dragon guy that is completely impossible to reach in any other way, and then I have to repeat that like 16 times to finally kill that son of a bitch? What the hell. What do you mean I HAVE to manipulate the enemy AI by going to a corner and jumping repeatedly so that it maybe escapes that little cage of platforms it's trapped in and comes to me? How was anyone supposed to figure this shit out in a real arcade where you pay to play. Also the movement is very slow and clunky and the jumping is that even more, having ghost n goblins style jumps where you can't turn in midair. Pretty good game.

Recientemente hice un amigo que es fan de Bubble Bobble, así que decidí jugar a Bubble Bobble. Sin embargo, obviamente no podés jugar a Bubble Bobble sin antes jugar a The Fairyland Story, el juego de Taito de un año antes que influenció directamente a Bubble Bobble, así que lo hice. Primero que nada, aclaro que no tengo mucha experiencia con juegos de arcade de los 80s aparte de los clásicos mas conocidos.

El juego es bastante bueno, los gráficos son muy bonitos al igual que los diseños de los personajes y los monstruos, las mecánicas son sencillas al principio pero tenés que entenderlas y dominarlas para superar los niveles mas avanzados. Hablando de eso, los niveles tirando para el final son brutales, principalmente porque requieren que hagas cosas que no se sienten como parte intencional del diseño del juego. ¿Cómo que tengo que usar a un enemigo como plataforma mientras se mueve (enemigos que te matan al toque si no los tocas justo por arriba o si se les ocurre saltar justo en ese momento) y después tengo que saltar para poder asomar la cabeza a través la plataforma inalcanzable para pegarle a ese enemigo que es completamente imposible de alcanzar de ninguna otra forma, y después tengo que repetir eso como 16 veces para finalmente matar a ese hijo de puta? No puede ser. ¿Cómo que TENGO que manipular la IA de los enemigos yendo a una esquina y saltando repetidamente para que quizás el bicho ese se escape de esa prisión de plataformas en la que está atrapado y venga hacia mí?
¿Cómo se supone que a alguien se le ocurriría esto en un fichín real donde pagas por jugar? También el movimiento es muy lento y clonky y el salto lo es todavía más, teniendo un salto tipo ghosts n goblins donde no se puede girar en el aire. En conclusión, bastante buen juego.

This game just speaks to me.

(English & Español)
I have recently made a friend who is a big Bubble Bobble fan, so I decided to play Bubble Bobble. However, you obviously can't play Bubble Bobble without first playing The Fairyland Story, Taito's game from one year prior that directly influenced Bubble Bobble, so I did. Then I was ready to play Chack'n Pop, the other game you have to play to be ready to play Bubble Bobble

This is one of the hardest and most frustrating games I have ever played. The movement is like you're always in one of those ice levels everyone hates, when you move in one direction you slide until you turn around (and slide in that direction) or you reach a wall or you change platforms, so I even though I did get better at it, I never felt comfortable moving Chack'n. Similarly, I never got used to the way of attacking, which consists of two bombs you can throw to the left or right and they roll and fall and I never could quite figure out the timing and the size of the explosions, which can also kill Chack'n. Most of the times my bombs went off before the enemy reached the explosion radius or he was already pass it. The enemies are extremely abundant, there are entirely too many of them, their movement is hard to read and predict, and they can move freely around the mazes while Chack'n clunkily slides around from platform to platform.
The game is half as long as The Fairlyland Story and it took me thrice the time to beat using a lot of savestates. BTW by "beat" I mean just the first loop. Just the first level of the second loop is so exaggeratedly full of enemies it felt borderline impossible to complete.

Nevertheless Chack'n is pretty cute and I love his name and at the end he gets married which is pretty cute, so.

Recientemente hice un amigo que es fan de Bubble Bobble, así que decidí jugar a Bubble Bobble. Sin embargo, obviamente no podés jugar a Bubble Bobble sin antes jugar a The Fairyland Story, el juego de Taito de un año antes que influenció directamente a Bubble Bobble, así que lo hice. Ahora estoy listo para jugar a Chack'n Pop, el otro juego que tenés que jugar para estar listo para Bubble Bobble.

Este es uno de los juegos mas dificiles y frustrantes que jugué en mi vida. El movimiento es como si estuvieras siempre en uno de esos niveles de hielo que todos odian, cuando te moves en una dirección te deslizas sin parar a menos que te des vuelta o lleges a una pared o te pases a otra plataforma, así que aunque mejoré con tiempo de juego nunca me llegué a sentir comodo moviendo a Chack'n. Similarmente, nunca me acostumbré a la forma de ataque, que consiste de dos bombas que podés lanzar a la izquierda o derecha y ruedan y caen y nuncá me acostumbré al timing y el tamaño de las explosiones, las cuales también pueden matar Chack'n. La mayoría de las veces mis bombas explotaban antes de que el enemigo llegue al radio de explosión o después de que lo pasarán. Los enemigos son extremadamente abundantes, hay demasiados, sus movimientos son dificiles de leer y predecir, y se pueden mover libremente mientras Chack'n se desliza incomodamente de plataforma a plataforma.
El juego es la mitad de largo que The Fairyland Story y me tomó el triple de tiempo completarlo usando un montón de savestates. Por cierto por "completarlo" quiero decir la primera vuelta. Solo el primer nivel de la segunda vuelta está tan exageradamente lleno de enemigos que se sintió casi imposible the terminar.

Love everything in this game.

Building a mech and then piloting it is just incredibly satisfying. Also found the narrative surprisingly compelling. I think this is one of my favorite games ever made.