I like it about as much as the first one, which is to say a lot.

Fun gameplay, AMAZING soundtrack, I love the story with my heart.

Sonic is my friend. My good friend Sonic.

Absolutely beautiful. I love everything about it.

Amazing. The upgrade system is really fun, when you're having trouble with a mission choosing your loadout specifically to overcome it is very satisfying, but even aside from that, it's just an extremely solid shmup all around, the controls are tight, the patterns are beautiful and flashy, every level is a different awesome setpiece, and it's difficult but not unfair. The only thing that's kind of annoying is the characters constantly talking during gameplay, but you can turn it off, which is nice, especially after your first time through a level when you've already heard all the dialogue. Don't turn it off for the final boss though, cuz there it's amazing. Even though I complained about the voice acting, I actually really love to see a shmup that makes an effort to actually tell a story with characters and dialogue.

I wanted to LOVE this game, but instead I just really liked it. I love it in a conceptual level. Aesthethic, dialogue, setpieces, but... I am usually more interested in the ideas, the style and the vibes of games more than their mechanics; one of my favorite games ever is Nier and the combat in that is barely better than average. However I truly did not enjoy the gameplay here, at least not nearly as much as Bayonetta or MGS Rising Revengeance. It is good, I think, but to me it's more annoying than it is compelling. The camera always feels like it is too close or too far away, getting hit is a drag because it makes all your little dudes go flying all over and you have to pick them up like rings in Sonic and you're left completely unable to defend or attack too. Past a certain point I was forcing myself to slog through the levels just to get to the amazing story setpieces.

Really good game though, I liked it, it was worth it.

this is a terrible review tbh

I don't particularly like 3d platformers in general but of the ones I played and liked this is one of the best.