It's a really good game, gameplay wise I liked it a lot more than the first game
A huge improvement is the tailing mission they've been reduced and are shorter
Iirc there was only one in the main case but there are some in the side cases they are less tedious so I didn't mind them in this game
They've made the crane style a lot more viable, they added two new styles, snake which is really good and boxing style which is also pretty good, all four of the fighting styles are viable, in the previous game I found the crane style to be not that good and I used tiger style for the most part but here I used all of them
This game is also a lot more generous with giving money and points for unlocking new moves
School Stories the big side case was pretty good the mini games were fun for the most part I found the bar one to be tedious

Great game lackluster "Remaster"

Flaws: Underdeveloped lame side antagonists, social link dialogue options too strict at times

Sun Social Link one of the best parts of the game and might be the best social link of all Persona games
The last boss & the ending is amazing

Story is good, the characters are decent, the gameplay is a mixed bag crane style was pretty bad, the fatal wound system might have been a good idea but it was mostly annoying, too many tailing missions which I complained about multiple times, the way you unlock cases is also a bit annoying with the friendship, most friendships aren't annoying to finish I had problems with Mahjong
The Keihin gang got pretty annoying maybe if they gave more exp it would be less annoying, streets fights in general don't give that much exp
Despite my complaints I still think it's a pretty good game and I look forward to playing the sequel someday

Short Fun not anything mindblowing
Worth the 20 mins

My first Yakuza game that I played and one of the best decision I made
Great gameplay with two great protagonist with own unique fighting styles
Best story of Yakuza series rivalled by Yakuza LAD
Cool characters and a cool interesting setting

Started playing around 2017 and finished it Summer 2020
Didn't like the characters, didn't care much for the story
Thought the level designs were bad too much interruption during the castles, gameplay and music was pretty good
The game has style but that's not enough for me

Made the mistake of playing A and B on hard the enemies on hard have too much health and defence, gameplay feels a bit jank
Loved the characters, the music and liked the story for the most part

I enjoyed playing it more than Human Revolution
Human Revolution had a better story and better characters while Mankind Divided has improved gameplay and better level design
The characters that I found interesting in Mankind Divided were underdeveloped and didn't have much screen time sadly

I have mixed opinions on this game I liked the game for the most part but the parts I didn't like I really didn't like mostly because of Part 3 when playing as Dawn Brigade, I had fun playing as the mercenaries though
My fav part of the game was the Elincia parts basically part 2 I loved seeing her character growth and what she has to deal with as a queen
I liked how the perspective shifted although I didn't enjoy playing Dawn Brigade in part 3
I was filled with joy when I got see and control the PoR characters again
I don't feel like every replaying the game but maybe I will revisit the game in five years or so

I think might have had too high expectations for this game I loved PoR and I still love PoR can't say the same for Radiant Dawn

Great game probably my second fav Yakuza game
The game was pretty easy for the most part chapter 12 and 14 was super hype and the boss fights are difficult but it makes sense for those bosses to be that strong other than that I didn't die much in the game, had to do some "light" grinding for those chapters though
One of the last bosses was challenging but still easy compared to chapter 12 and 14 bosses

When the game was announced and it was revealed it was gonna be an RPG I was a bit skeptical
It's a pretty good turn based RPG the developers did a great job
Ichiban is a great character and I loved that the game didn't disrespect the older characters from previous titles excellent passing of the torch

First I got the greed ending and then I did the canon true ending
Eurojank at it's finest, it's a good game very flawed didn't crash that much for me except for one day where it crashed several times not sure why
The story is fine I didn't really care for it that much, the world building and the atmosphere of the game is top notch
Originally I started playing on the veteran difficulty later on I changed to the hardest master difficulty
The last section of the game is a pain cramped basement full of a bunch of enemies around every corner 11/10 lvl design

This review contains spoilers

I enjoyed the game for the most part, I would change the difficulty a bit reducing the amount of bandages needed to stop bleeding, reducing some of the enemies accuracy and their grenade spamming also decrease the bullet spread

The last part was fucking awful terribly designed I felt a lot of frustration
A boss fight your supposed to go through portals and shot the guy with a gauss rifle it's the only thing that does damage the thing is when you go through these portals there are enemies on the other side that also spawn and their accuracy is immaculate so I would sometimes die instantaneous other times I would die from a grenade at the other side of the teleport also enemies teleport behind you
When I got to the last teleport the boss was out on the field I shot him and did no damage apparently if you quick save and load a bug will occur making the boss invincible

I had to fight him the cheap way by shooting with the gauss rifle without using the portals the other enemies ignore the player it took me two attempts though

I liked it
More than the OG? Not sure I need to play more of the REmake
I did have a great time playing It and I ended up dying a lot skill-issues on my part also ridiculously amounts of saves
I prefer this version of Ashley and Luis I think they're an improvement I found Ada to be disappointing and a downgrade I think she has less screen time not counting Separate Ways which will be a free dlc in the future supposedly, her VA was a huge downgrade I prefer the villain's in the OG compared to the REmake except for Krauser his boss fights is also better in the REmake

Mercenaries Is a lot better than Village Merc I did not like that version that much and it sucked that Dimitrescu and Heisenberg are payed dlc and not free unlockables classic crapcom move
I wish Ada and Wesker were playable in REmake 4 Merc maybe later? Otherwise REmake 4 Merc is great