This one was a pleasant surprise, I enjoyed myself! ...that is, if the game didn't glitch my save file at one point and I had to start over from the beginning again. Other than that, good stuff!
Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated was an alright remake of the gamecube original and this is supposed to be the sequel we never got to it. When you view it from that lens it's hands down the best Spongebob game we've gotten. With tons of love and callbacks to the series that I know all ages of the show will appreciate. This show was a huge part of my life and playing through this game made me feel like a kid again. This was definitely a passion project made my fans of the series that respect its source material, you can tell everyone had a lot of fun voicing their lines. For a licensed childrens game in the year 2023, It's certainly up to stuff, I can imagine this being some little kids favorite game.

For Pikmins first attempt, they almost knocked it out of the park here. It's an amazing game with just a few flaws that other games would later remedy. I find it weird that the pikmin switching mechanic isn't in this one as it would really help out with some encounters. This was later fixed in the later ports of the game but we're talking about the gamecube original. I think the music is iconic in this one, and the atmospheres locations you visit are still some of the best looking ones we've seen on the gamecube. The overall premise and vibe of this one has simply been never matched, they say more is less, and Pikmin does so in a way that the only dialogue you get is Olimar himself commenting on his surroundings and the logs he makes as he discovers more of the planet. Also major props to Olimar being a Nintendo IP with a personality and is allowed to speak, we have way too many Nintendo charcaters that are just mute or barely speak only when needed, Olimar stands out from the crowd by having his own life, interests, personality, all the things that make him the best Nintendo written protagonist we've gotten to this day.
Pikmin is a joy to playthrough and while it can be frustrating at times, I implore you to check this game out if you're ever interested. ...though play the remastered ports and not the gamecube original because the quality of life feature those games have make the game so much better.

This is definitely a step down from all the other NSMB games but it's not like terrible. The star coins in this one are back to being cleverly placed and not hidden behind badly design invisible walls that Wii and the other games do. So in that respect, it definitely is better than those, but it's also a very safe and boring game. When you look past the coin gimmick this game is not anything worth talking about or going through, everything here has been done to death before and the music is all recycled from Wii with the exception of a few remixes. The coin gimmick is what this games identity is and to its credit, it's fun to collect these things, but that's it. Don't actually collect 1 million coins you get nothing interesting for it.

God talk about the most mid experience i've ever played, it's not a bad game by any means, but it's so... nothing. You play this and then you don't ever think about it again. It's a cut and dry 2D Mario experience where everything has been done to death before and there's only a few things that are actually "NEW" but that title means nothing anymore at the time of this games release. It's completely skippable, you don't need to play this, in my honest opinion, play New Super Mario Bros DS and Wii, those are actually worth going through because they're the only ones that actually feel like they add something to the table. Also this one brought back the horrible placed invisible walls and very vague secret exits that can only be found out if you used a guide. Didn't like this one at all. Play the Switch version if you must.

Luigi doesn't deserve this. What happened here. This is even worse than New Super Mario Bros U. Did you ever play that game and wondered "man I wish levels ended super quickly and the controls were slippery and atrocious to play with" well congratulations, you got this game. Don't get me wrong, I understand the whole point was this central gimmick and Luigi more closely controls to his Mario 2 counterpart, but that doesn't make this experience any less tiresome. I've completed every single NSMB game to this point and call it burnout but this one did NOTHING for me. It's the same world map, the same uninspired visuals, the level design is different but it doesn't make it good. I did like how there's a hidden Luigi in every level but that was kind of it. I don't know why people actually like this one but to each their own. If you want to play this pick up the Switch port of NSMBU and you'll have it available from the get-go.

I don't know if anyone else can relate but I got this game whenever I was young and I could never get past the megazord fights, years later I decided to revisit this game to finally end it once and for all and it turns out all you have to do is press the button along with the direction of the dpad it's facing. It was so simple but the game itself didn't tell you how to do this at all in-game so I never got very far. Playing this in 2023 it's a solid little beat-em up for kids, not very long and not very hard, not a bad time at all I enjoyed it.

I finally decided to put the time in and beat this game after putting it off for so long and I quite liked it! It's not the most comprehensive or complex battle system ever but it is a fun one, and I definitely loved all the character interactions and dialogue moments we get to see. Every music track was memorable in some way and while I don't think this game is perfect by any means It's a very solid beginners jrpg that I think anyone can jump into and have a good time.

Proud to be the 3rd reviewer out here who actually played this complete heap of garbage. It's called Pac-man World 3 so gotta have 3 reviews. You might be wondering why I even bothered to finish the DS version of all things instead of the superior console version, well my friend the answer to that question is

As a fan of the original NES version going to this one felt rough, it's not structured like the NES version at all, this one is trying to replicate the arcade feel with its emphasis on high-scores and how quickly matches go. I'm personally not a fan of this style of punch-out but I'm not going to call it a bad game, for what it does, it does it right. The sprite-work is amazing and the super bar is a great mechanic that i'm glad was brought over for Little Macs move set in smash. It wasn't fun to play for me personally but I understand why other people may enjoy it.

Punch Out always fascinated me, it's one of those games you hear a lot about but have never played for yourself. So I decided to dedicate my time going through and beating every single title (There's only 3 not counting the inaccessible arcade one) and after finally beating this game without doing a billy mitchell I can say definitely, i'm a fan.
This is an old NES game, which if you're well inversed with these types of games it means they're hard, unforgiving, and brutal. Meant to keep you playing constantly. And yeah, this game is really hard. If you use save states I feel like you're not getting the true punch out experience, you need to feel those highs of finally beating that tough boxer you struggled on for days. (for me it was the sand man) and it's the greatest feeling once you do conquer the challenge.
While there's still some flaws in this games core design and its not the best entry, it's still a fun and enjoyable time learning the bosses and how to counter their movements. A game where only the best can step up to the plate, you either go big or go home. And for someone with the name "Little Mac" he goes nowhere but big.

This game starts off super well with some of the most fun and enjoyable levels in the game. Constantly testing your platforming skills, some cool ice skating section, really it's all great. ...and then you get to the volcano levels, this is where the game completely ramps up in difficulty and while I had fun going through them it will not prepare you for the hell that is the Blinky boss. This is when I started to get drained and then after finally getting through that bs of a challenge you reach the water levels of the game. I kid you not, some of the most boring autoscrolling water levels imaginable, and what makes matters worse, there's 3 back to back. It ends with a stupidly easy boss fight then we're back to questionable territory with the last world. It's ghost themed which makes sense but these levels are just some of the worse in the game, they're long and tedious slogs of nothing that don't test you on anything except your patience. Then the final boss is ok, nothing really worth talking about.

So with that being said, if you want to know the general gist of this game, it gets worse once you reach the volcano worlds boss. I never beated this game as a kid but I remember liking it from what I remembered. After going through it and finishing it, I can genuinely only say I liked half of this games levels. The other half are some I never want to revisit. Also going for 100% completion feels impossible which I hate.

You know what, I don't care, this game is perfect. This is quite easily, hands down, one of my new favorite Wii games of all time. Everything from like the charm, the personality, the characters, the fights, the music, it's all there. The ending left a lot to be desired and if leads room for a sequel which i'm hoping we get cause this series just needs to come back. I loved every second of this game, and even when I occasionally ran into the one or two roadblock boss, beating them just made it feel all the more satisfying to overcome. Yeah so if you haven't played this game idk what you're waiting for because it's truly one of those games that needs to be talked about more. Punch Out as a series is something that is so fascinating, there's only like 4 games but they're all quality in some way.
Definitely stands up there as one of the greats in Nintendo's lineup.

Only completed the Mizuki route technically but I'm gonna give my thoughts on the game now because once you see like the first hour of it you already know how the rest of the game will be. Just want to say that this game is really interesting at the start and the mystery is definitely there, it also likes to show a bit of its cringe anime humor and most of the time it is actually funny. The game knows its cringe and it usually makes fun of itself for it, but you can tell that the voice actors and everyone else is having a blast reading their lines. This game balances the silly funny moments with the dark and more serious moments so that's something i'll legit give it praise for. However this is where i'm just kind of thrown off, this game is a visual novel, but there will be moments sprinkled in between where you have to do quick time events and they're usually ok.
This is definitely not something you play for the gameplay, you play it for the mystery, the characters, and the world. If I were to give out a flaw I wish this game had a sort of trigger warning in-game, there are many mature things discussed here and it can scare anyone who's new and wants to get into the series. It's rated M but you wouldn't know there's blood and many eye centered gore from reading the box arts rating. This one can get pretty heavy at times so approach with caution if you have certain triggers like that. Stay safe!

Fun fact, I never beat this one as a kid because when I would always play it I would be so relaxed and soothed by the music i'd always fall asleep. After actually going through the whole thing and seeing what I was missing out on all these years, yeah, it's pretty good! It's a very chill and easy 2D platformer that I think anyone of any skill level will be able to jump in and have a good time. Honestly for what this game was trying to accomplish it does it well, and the ideas presented here are really well done and fun to play with. One of the better yarn related games out there.

This game is actually a lot of fun, once you get past how bs it is to actually complete it. If you're like me (deranged) and like to play through every Yoshi game trying to get 100%, you will drive yourself mad with how annoying this game can be do it. But, there is one option you can do, a new feature in this rerelease known as "Mellow Mode" basically what happens is you have infinite flight and infinite eggs, you still take hits though so it's not entirely braindead. If you're planning on getting 100% which i'll say right now, it's not worth it, use mellow mode, it'll make your life easier.
With that out of the way, i'll just say that this game is very creative and the music is amazing, this is a solid 3DS port of a Wii U game, and I think its my preferred way to play. Sure the visuals aren't as strong as Wii U but this game still has the charm you'd expect from a Yoshi game. Right up there with the og Yoshis Island but that's going to be hard to top.