12 reviews liked by The8thStar

I'm a bit conflicted on this game, the gameplay is really easy and kinda boring (and that's by Kirby standards) but the amount of lore this game drops and the how much it changes the series is incredible.

Since when did we start hating on the music in this game? People are weird...I play Bridget

I don't know how loved this game is in general, but amongst farming sim fans, it's their Chrono Trigger

Honestly worth it for Farewell, My Turnabout alone. Turnabout Big Top does kinda bring it down, but again, it's followed by my favorite case in the series.

Announer: "Ganondorf"
Crusty Wiimote Speaker: "oYACH"

They spelled "Destroyed" wrong in this game

this had to be from the Chum Bucket cause ain't no one cooking here

ignore everything bad people say about thing game!!!!!!! it has kirby in it!!!!!! what more do you need!!!!! goo goo gaga!!!!!!!

I've made it a tradition that I would 100% every Splatoon campaign that would ever come out, up until here. I still want to do it, but after getting all of the palettes alone, I'm gonna need a break. I've certainly have my work cut out for me

To this day, it is impossible to describe to someone why Bayonetta 1 and 2 are as good as they are without sounding like an absolute madman.