Best of the 3ds

I'm doing a deep dive into this system's first party games before it disappears, here's what I've played and what I think so far

I did not know how much I'd love Animal Crossing until I actually played Animal Crossing
Greatest game of all time lol.

I do love it tho, don't get me wrong.
It is in fact Mario Kart
I'm currently putting this as the weakest major title because it feels so derivative compared to a lot of these games. I'm realizing that 2D Mario might actually be my least favorite major 2D platforming franchise because it's just THE SAME THING EVERY TIME. It's not even bad! It's just the same.
Probably the worst from an objective standpoint, but it's pretty entertaining. I could see this getting kinda lame tho.


Adds so many more mechanics that are tons of fun, but also not QUITE as good as the perfection that is the first. Still love it, because it is Luigi's Mansion. I wanna see how 3 builds on this one.


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