245 Reviews liked by TheBluejay

This came with our Windows '95 demo disc, and I got MILEAGE out of that bad boy. Between this, and laughing at the fact that you could see Rob Roy's butt in the movie trailer that was on there, and the Weezer's 'Buddy Holly' video... chef's kiss

Punishing and challenging, in good and bad ways, but is rewarding if you learn.

Everything I could have ever wanted or expected from a FromSoft game.

Always there for me when all else fails.

They have added more to the game but feels like one you only play every now and then as bit repetitive

The game that makes you want to strangle your friends

I mean, it does what it promises to do, even if it's not much. I even learned to do sudokus and do fast, short calculations with this so I guess it had a good impact on me as a kid?

Fun game, glad to see it getting regular updates, and the devs are pretty active too in the community. Enjoyable to play at 2 am with all my lights off

a big shout out to this game for making me break the sound barrier a couple of times

lots of potential here! can't wait for future updates.

I mainly played the game for its platinum trophy on PS4 (which I didn't even complete) and it turned out to be a decent game.
Didn't expect it to be any good so I was surprised when the game actually had a few points to it that were actually good.
Nothing I would play too often, but I might revisit it for the platinum trophy one day.

Enjoyable puzzles, but wasn't enough to keep me wantng to see what happens next in the story.

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Look, I love romance stories but Maquette's attempt at one made me want to throw up. The best part of the game was when they started arguing.

Just what I needed after Elden Ring. This was such a tight and joyous experience, I'm breathless. What could have been a cynical parade of a multi-billion dollar corporation's products is instead a labour of love, brought to life in vivid, reverential detail. The fact that the little Dante robot gets the moves just right, it melts my little heart. The haptics were an absolute delight too. Not much else to say really, it's simply wonderful.

Pretty amazing platformer that celebrates the history of the Playstation while showing off the neat features of the PS5.