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1 hr ago

Turquoisephoenix is now playing Mega Man 10

1 hr ago

The_acz reviewed Daxter
It's good, but definitely a PSP spinoff game made in the mid 2000's. Props to this new enhanced PSN version of the game for including right stick camera support, something that VERY MUCH helps out whenever playing any sort of PSP game. L and R for rotating a camera I'll just never get used to. Just doesn't feel natural. Level design is fun, but short, and a good amount feel like they end too early or when it JUST feels like the level is starting. The dream minigames are also nothing to write home about. Just having to time a bunch of quick time events to the same minigame reskinned 3 times to outdated pop culture references. Still worth playing through because you learn new moves and get health upgrades, but they wear thin after first play. The final 2 at least change it up little being more a series of inputs instead of just timing a single button. The collectibles in this game also feel really REALLY useless. Precursor Orbs do nothing but unlock those minigames and then a handful of cheats and secrets. A lot of secret collectibles tou can find are also used for the games awful Bug Combat mode which just feels like pure RNG garbage. Still, despite the short length and rather films way of tying into the Prologue of Jak 2, the levels in the game are well crafted around Daxters temp job as an animal exterminator, and Daxter himself is still plenty witty and charming. I definitely understand now why people call this one of the PSPs best in relation to similar games such as Secret Agent Clank, Size Matters, or even J&D's own Lost Frontier. Granted it's not that high of a bar to clear, but it clears it gracefully nonetheless.

4 hrs ago

The_acz finished Daxter
It's good, but definitely a PSP spinoff game made in the mid 2000's. Props to this new enhanced PSN version of the game for including right stick camera support, something that VERY MUCH helps out whenever playing any sort of PSP game. L and R for rotating a camera I'll just never get used to. Just doesn't feel natural. Level design is fun, but short, and a good amount feel like they end too early or when it JUST feels like the level is starting. The dream minigames are also nothing to write home about. Just having to time a bunch of quick time events to the same minigame reskinned 3 times to outdated pop culture references. Still worth playing through because you learn new moves and get health upgrades, but they wear thin after first play. The final 2 at least change it up little being more a series of inputs instead of just timing a single button. The collectibles in this game also feel really REALLY useless. Precursor Orbs do nothing but unlock those minigames and then a handful of cheats and secrets. A lot of secret collectibles tou can find are also used for the games awful Bug Combat mode which just feels like pure RNG garbage. Still, despite the short length and rather films way of tying into the Prologue of Jak 2, the levels in the game are well crafted around Daxters temp job as an animal exterminator, and Daxter himself is still plenty witty and charming. I definitely understand now why people call this one of the PSPs best in relation to similar games such as Secret Agent Clank, Size Matters, or even J&D's own Lost Frontier. Granted it's not that high of a bar to clear, but it clears it gracefully nonetheless.

5 hrs ago

1 day ago

FirstSecond is now playing Ōkami HD

1 day ago

Turquoisephoenix reviewed Mega Man 9
While I do think they regressed the core abilities a little too far - we apparently can't have quick weapon switching anymore since that's a post-NES invention - this is a solid little Mega Man, give or take some bastard jumps. Solidly designed stages, great soundtrack, and probably one of the best set of weapons in the series.

I also both hate this game's Wily Castle and appreciate the use of environmental storytelling to let the player know that Dr. Wily is a real rat bastard.

1 day ago

The_acz reviewed TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue HD
For years I've heard from so many people that while the first Ty the Tasmanian Tiger lives up to its pretty mediocre legacy, I'm always told that Ty 2: Bush Rescue was different. This was the one where they really nailed the formula. Really perfected it. Made it the best it can be. Well, after being surprisingly forgiving and a bit more positive about the first Ty, how do I feel about this 2nd one? Is it everything people have said about it and more? Not really. It's fine, but I feel the game suffers from completely different problems now. Let's get the first thing out of the way, I think it's incredibly impressive that a game from 2004 was so heavily experimenting with Open World gameplay, something that wouldn't become to prevalent until around the late 2000's about the time Assassin's Creed really started popping off, and for the most part, it works pretty damn well. Even more impressive, now that this game has an HD port, the previous loading zones between the open world and levels are now almost seamless. For this game to run this well and load so fast being a 20 year old title is very commendable. Even with getting a bit of extra horsepower in this HD version, the original still had the ability to do most of this at a consistent framerate, so props are still in order. Gameplay is a bit more tweaked and refined. All rangs from the last game return plus much more. Unfortunately, a lot of the rangs this time around feel very unnecessary. The elemental rings from the first game are hardly ever used. Fire Rangs are used about twice in one level, and Ice Rang is used about twice in two different levels, but I never once used the Zappyrang. Not once. I really only stuck with 2 main rangs for most of my playthrough. The X Rang, and updated version of the Infrarang, and the Smashrang, a new rang that allows you to bust open metal crates. The Warprang, an upgrade of the Lashrang, was also used a lot for grappling and swinging on hooks. Other than that, none of the other rangs need to be used ever, and if you're not going for the 100% or platinum, your really not missing much. While the gameplay has been tweaked and improved upon from the first game, it unfortunately feels like you don't get to experience it too much here. Ty 2 on top of your average platformer levels from the original, now pile on side missions and minigames, while on paper sounds like a good way to avoid to much tedium and helps with keeping the game fresh, unfortunately feels like it focused TOO MUCH on these news side segments, as it only feels like you only really have 4 traditional levels, and they're all still about the same length as a standard level in the previous game would be. This results in the games pacing going from fine, to really fast, and then grinding to a halt. It's all over the damn place. Regardless, what is there in the main levels are still fun, and not all the new side segments are boring slots. They do help break up the monotony every now and then. My last problem with the game is the fact that despite still including all the characters from the first game, they all feel like they're barely there and do nothing. Sly is only seen in the first and final cutscenes. Absolutely no time getting to explore him becoming his own person or how he feels about formerly working for Boss Cass. Shazza does drive Ty around the overworld and you could argue she's in a lot of the game, but aside from the beginning and ending cutscene, as well as the first overworld video, she never converses with Ty at all. Same goes for Julius, who only gives you a handful of missions and contributes to the plot only at the end. It's fun to see all these characters back and what they're now doing in this new city, but so little is done with them in 90% of the game that seeing them mostly feels like references to the first, and it just really bugs me. The ga.e also has a real non story. In fact, it feels like a 20 episode season of a TV show. Lots of one adventures and missions, and only a few interconnecting stories that will tie in a little to the plot, but only at the very end. I continue to be very frustrated that Boss Cass is such a fun goofy villain that these games do almost nothing with. COME ON. Have him in more of the game harassing Ty and his crew. Give him and his minions more of a presence in areas that he's invading. SOMETHING besides "Oh boy, he sure is being an evil gentleman in the background." Let me see it please. Despite these gripes, I still enjoyed TY 2, even if it wasn't what everyone was hyping it up to be. Once Krome decides to finally remaster and release TY 3 HD, then I can finish off this series, but it seems like they may want to still wait a while before tackling that.

2 days ago

The_acz finished TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue HD
For years I've heard from so many people that while the first Ty the Tasmanian Tiger lives up to its pretty mediocre legacy, I'm always told that Ty 2: Bush Rescue was different. This was the one where they really nailed the formula. Really perfected it. Made it the best it can be. Well, after being surprisingly forgiving and a bit more positive about the first Ty, how do I feel about this 2nd one? Is it everything people have said about it and more? Not really. It's fine, but I feel the game suffers from completely different problems now. Let's get the first thing out of the way, I think it's incredibly impressive that a game from 2004 was so heavily experimenting with Open World gameplay, something that wouldn't become to prevalent until around the late 2000's about the time Assassin's Creed really started popping off, and for the most part, it works pretty damn well. Even more impressive, now that this game has an HD port, the previous loading zones between the open world and levels are now almost seamless. For this game to run this well and load so fast being a 20 year old title is very commendable. Even with getting a bit of extra horsepower in this HD version, the original still had the ability to do most of this at a consistent framerate, so props are still in order. Gameplay is a bit more tweaked and refined. All rangs from the last game return plus much more. Unfortunately, a lot of the rangs this time around feel very unnecessary. The elemental rings from the first game are hardly ever used. Fire Rangs are used about twice in one level, and Ice Rang is used about twice in two different levels, but I never once used the Zappyrang. Not once. I really only stuck with 2 main rangs for most of my playthrough. The X Rang, and updated version of the Infrarang, and the Smashrang, a new rang that allows you to bust open metal crates. The Warprang, an upgrade of the Lashrang, was also used a lot for grappling and swinging on hooks. Other than that, none of the other rangs need to be used ever, and if you're not going for the 100% or platinum, your really not missing much. While the gameplay has been tweaked and improved upon from the first game, it unfortunately feels like you don't get to experience it too much here. Ty 2 on top of your average platformer levels from the original, now pile on side missions and minigames, while on paper sounds like a good way to avoid to much tedium and helps with keeping the game fresh, unfortunately feels like it focused TOO MUCH on these news side segments, as it only feels like you only really have 4 traditional levels, and they're all still about the same length as a standard level in the previous game would be. This results in the games pacing going from fine, to really fast, and then grinding to a halt. It's all over the damn place. Regardless, what is there in the main levels are still fun, and not all the new side segments are boring slots. They do help break up the monotony every now and then. My last problem with the game is the fact that despite still including all the characters from the first game, they all feel like they're barely there and do nothing. Sly is only seen in the first and final cutscenes. Absolutely no time getting to explore him becoming his own person or how he feels about formerly working for Boss Cass. Shazza does drive Ty around the overworld and you could argue she's in a lot of the game, but aside from the beginning and ending cutscene, as well as the first overworld video, she never converses with Ty at all. Same goes for Julius, who only gives you a handful of missions and contributes to the plot only at the end. It's fun to see all these characters back and what they're now doing in this new city, but so little is done with them in 90% of the game that seeing them mostly feels like references to the first, and it just really bugs me. The ga.e also has a real non story. In fact, it feels like a 20 episode season of a TV show. Lots of one adventures and missions, and only a few interconnecting stories that will tie in a little to the plot, but only at the very end. I continue to be very frustrated that Boss Cass is such a fun goofy villain that these games do almost nothing with. COME ON. Have him in more of the game harassing Ty and his crew. Give him and his minions more of a presence in areas that he's invading. SOMETHING besides "Oh boy, he sure is being an evil gentleman in the background." Let me see it please. Despite these gripes, I still enjoyed TY 2, even if it wasn't what everyone was hyping it up to be. Once Krome decides to finally remaster and release TY 3 HD, then I can finish off this series, but it seems like they may want to still wait a while before tackling that.

2 days ago

The_acz earned the Replay '14 badge

3 days ago

MiloScat earned the Replay '14 badge

3 days ago

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