If you are looking for Mario Party, but on PC with RPG mechanics, this one's really fun!

I bought 5D Chess, I got 5D Chess.
Really cool concept, if a bit overpriced.

A fun text based survival game, however do note that the more you play it, the more often you will encounter situations that repeat themselves, lending surprises to be less often.


Simple and fun rhythm(?) game.
Very simplistic, but gets the job it wants to done.

Ahh, among us.
This can be fun to play in bursts.
Insert obligatory "sus" joke here.

A perfectly fine and charming difficult platformer, but in terms of difficult platformers, there are better options...

As a short hour tech demo, it's fun for what it is.
Just make Portal 3, Valve.

While a fun concept, it seems the community around it tries its damnedest to ruin the fun of every new player, period.

Genius and very difficult puzzle game.

Great concept with an equally great and touching story.

While not complete, what is currently here is very promising compared to the original!

For being initially made in 3 days, pretty good.
There is potential for something more here, and I'm glad a bigger game is being made from it.

An incredibly well done narrative, amazingly unique gameplay, and a huge level of polish equals an experience you will never forget.

An incredibly different, but very much welcome game from Stanley Parable writer, Davey Wreden.
I strangely related to this one a lot.

A fun roguelike dungeon crawler, even if it is a bit outdone by Rebirth.