7 Reviews liked by TheGoodSir

The Pal designs are certainly loaned.
And the gameplay, from Ark, it is cloned.
But the loop is solid,
And although you feel squalid,
Palworld does what Nintendon’t.

While Arcade Spirits is no Game of the Year contender, I certainly enjoyed my time with it. It was a chill game with a good story and interesting characters.

Ubisoft will never reach this height again and the sequel looks/looked abysmal and goes against everything this game is. Great Characters, engaging gameplay and plenty to do.

What a ride this game was to experience this game was to play. I have never played a game that kept me on my toes like this.

Story: I am not going to spend too long on this one because this is a game that I feel any way I say it I will not do the game justice, and it one of those games that part of the fun is figuring out what going on in the story.

Gameplay: The gameplay of this game is divided into tower defense strategy battles and a visual novel for the adventure mode. Both are well done, and the game balances it out well so one does not take over the time.

Platinum Experience: I honestly was not expecting to plat this but it was an easy experience. The only thing is that I played on casual because of some of the trophies requirements but most of the trophies are not hard, recommend going for kit for trophies/achievements hunters.

Conclusion: 13 Sentinals is an experience that will leave you wanting more, and questioning many aspects.

It's an outstanding game. Most of the characters are great, the narrative is great, and the combat is really fun. The story had me intrigued and kept me guessing all the way to the end. Can't recommend this game enough.

When I first started Citizen Sleeper, I wasn’t sure what to expect. By time the credits rolled, what I got was a great game with characters and storylines that I got invested in, and a great soundtrack as well!

While not better than Zero Dawn, Forbidden West is still a great game on its own. Interesting story, great characters, great voice acting, fun combat, and beautiful graphics. Aloy is a fantastic protagonist and her interactions with the other characters in the game was quality stuff. If you played Zero Dawn and enjoyed it, there's no reason why you shouldn't play Forbidden West. It's definitely worth your time.