I had a lot of fun with this campaign! It just feels like a fleshed Out Smash Classic Mode (ironically this game also has a standalone Classic Mode, which feels redundant given) and I can say with certainty that I enjoyed the experience more than the single player content of Smash for Wii U and Ultimate combined, so make of that what you will.

My only complaints are that I hate the number of fakeout endings (one of my largest gaming pet peeves) and a glitch where I kept spawning under the platform ended a run right at the end which cost me 40 minutes or so getting back to that point. Otherwise a pretty solid experience!

Enjoyed it but way too difficult for me even with practice. One of those games I like but feel like because the difficulty I'm locked out of and that always just frustrates me more than anything the difficulty actually throws at me.

I'm aware this is the easy one or whatever but that stage 4 boss would just not budge even after getting there with only one life lost in the prior stages. No way to practice without playing the entire thing again and I know there'd just be some huge difficulty spike in stage 5 that I'd have the same problem with anyways so I'm pretty done.

[Played as part of an Archipelago, played all of the content needed to finish it "legit"]

[Played as part of an Archipelago, finished within the definition of the multiworld objective]

[Played as part of an Archipelago, finished within the definition of the multiworld objective but not the main game's definition]

I enjoyed this a lot! It's one of those games that I'd put down for a bit and have to really convince myself to pick back up (hence how long it took me to complete) but once I actually just got stuck into it I'd always have a blast.

It's a short and handhold-y game for sure, but one that gives you a guided experience through some fun gameplay scenarios. Not the world's greatest platformer or anything, but it made me smile all throughout and I'd say I enjoyed my time with it the entire way through, so I'd give it a recommend on that basis. Not gonna blow you away, but you'll be charmed in the process.

When I started this, I declared that unless anything drastic happened, it was my favourite Puyo game to date. God how that slipped by the end.

The laundry list:
- Absolutely no gameplay variety (only 1-on-1 Puyo 2 battles in adventure mode despite multiple rulesets being available in other modes)
- Very formulaic tickbox cutscenes (character has an overarching scenario which will be joked about in the first cutscene by that stage's character, said character then leaves very quickly after battle is over, no room for any development of anyone short of their assigned architype for their story mode)
- All over the place difficulty balancing (listed level is often not indicative of how hard they'll actually be because of their usage of support items, also said number decreases and increases at random anyway meaning there's no real skill curve)
- Clearly finished content being locked behind future updates (they're available to fight in the story mode being fully voiced and modeled, but only characters who have story modes are currently playable. On this note, please don't give every single playable character a story mode)
- Currently no ending in the game (I'm sure one will be patched in but to not even have an ending shows either how much of a rushjob this is or how desperately they want you to keep subscribing for the content updates in subsequent months and therefore payments)

All of this left me feeling extremely jaded with the game and honestly with Apple Arcade as a "legitimate" gaming platform in general. Great stuff has come out of it (on their final patches once the year or so of exclusivity is up mind you), but for Apple to continue to prove that they want console quality titles to be their flagships they need to ship them in a state comparable to console games. People moan about how many patches you need to do on console nowadays, but on said platforms I've never seen a game advertised as a system seller just tell you to come back for the ending in a few months time. It's ridiculous.

This game needs far more time in the oven as currently even despite the clear ambitions on show, it just isn't finished and therefore can't even begin to stack up to other far more accessible and affordable offerings in the series. Maybe in a year or so we'll see a final-ish build be shipped out to consoles and PC, but until then this isn't really worth your time, especially if you'd be going out of your way for a subscription and/or an Apple device to play it.

Having a chance to reflect on Wii as a game through unlocking everything for the first time gives me a chance to reflect on it a little bit more than multiplayer revisits brimming with nostalgia, and as such has helped me realise that while it's still a great game, it's one bested by others both before and after it in nearly every department for me. Double Dash and DS nail the track design and have better single player experiences (also DS is still my favourite to play due to the complexity of the drifting system, something that while gone from this game it manages to replace very well), and 7/8 are much better at presentation and variety especially owing to 8D's number of tracks on display.

MKW is often a game that feels larger than life due to what online multiplayer and leaderboards spawned, as well as the completely overhauling mods that I still think of more when I think of this game, but as the basegame itself goes... It's pretty middling. I'd still highly rate it as a multiplayer experience especially alongside a trackpack like CTGP. but as a base it's pretty solid but far from the best the series has to offer.

A cute wrapper for some mobile game ports. A fun time but one that only lasts maybe an hour, so absolutely not worth £20 but it's still a good but brief time.

Completed as part of an Archipelago.

Completed as part of an Archipelago,

All of the guff and none of the charm or satisfaction that PowerWash can provide. Entire DLC is cleaning loads of hard to reach crannies on machines, all while having the game's usual writing style fall completely flat on its arse due to its inability to explain what 40k is about for those who don't know and instead making what little of it I understood (without knowing the source material) unreadable due to how many times they throw about "[REDACTED]" in the script.

Hoping this DLC marks the bottom of the barrel for PowerWash and we're on the way back up with new content, but the last 2 packs haven't filled me with hope personally.

A great way to play through the various online tournaments of Mario Kart Wii. Historically interesting and some great single player content players after 2014 will have missed out on, and being able to play them all in one go at long last is satisfying.

Because of the challenge/leaderboard aspect of it, I found playing them in this format wasn't quite as good as Mission Mode in DS. But during their weekly (or so) release period, this was a great way to keep players coming back and trying to beat their scores. It could be said that they weren't meant to be played in this fashion therefore it's harsh to judge them by it, but unless you wanna do the weekly reruns on Wiimmfi this is probably the best way to play them.