Hardly scratched the surface, but this game is actually really fun, just need the right mixture of high proof alcohol and hallucinogenics and I'll play this game a hell of a lot more.

So god damn complicated, but that's a good thing, when my brain is ready for it I can tell I'll probably get hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of it, and that's not even accounting for mods.

For the average non rick and morty fan though it's hard to recommend, maybe with a friend who's seen all 7 seasons they might be able to guide you through, but otherwise it's tough to recommend.

Definetly not a bad product though don't get that twisted, art's great, solid game, no real story? more like a motivation to continue playing and an end goal but that's no points off in my eyes. If it clicks with you, this game's probably a god-send.

Wait this is an actual game? I was too busy looking at haydee's ass the ground to notice.

Just felt jank to play, despite the fact that I really wanted to like it, and maybe have this be my first fighting game I really invest myself in. That being said I can't fault any of the systems, or if anything it's the sheer amount of them. Sure it's complex, but it's also really god damn hard to get into, having to learn 25 different things while walking, just to eventually be able to run isn't that fun in my opinion.

But I will say that it has some stellar visuals, excellent music, fun character designs, and for the most part no issues with connection, even though I mostly just vs'd friends.

My recommendation would be come back and give this game a go, try other arc sys fighting games (probably ggst) then give bbcf a go.

Certainly by no means a bad quality game, but felt incredibly weird and janky at times, small intricate details that made for kind of annoying situations, such as having to build moment while running rather then starting a full sprint (or having very little), different variants of the same move giving more options rather then being slower but strong.

Feels too different from most other fighting games I've subjected myself to. Now that the sequel is out and this game isn't getting anymore support, it's kind of not really worth playing.

Rip granblue you were definitely a game made by arc sys in your life span.

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I reserved a special place in my heart for xbc1, the story was phenomenal, the characters were all fun (I loved dunban), and the combat was nice, not too complex or hard to understand but it had some depth. Satorl march night is still one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard in a game.

And this game, is even better. The cast of characters having their own chemistry amongst their initial groups of three, soon forming into one unit, uncertainty at these people who were at first enemies, eventually being on the run they find the ability to work together albeit slowly.

Difficult battle after difficult battle would wear them down but they'd stand together, they'd bond in the free time they had growing closer together. Eventually beginning to understand beings that could live for more then 10 years. Slowly growing closer and closer.

Chapter 5 had me in a chokehold before it even came down to it's conclusion, I was 100% convinced that Sena and Lanz were gonna die, and it honestly almost pushed me to tears, but I refrained, and then the prison scene happened, and then the execution scene happened. I was just crying, I was so unbelievably sad, honestly more shocked then anything though.

The rest that came after was alright, it was definitely still good, but not as good as what came before it, xenoblade 3 with just one chapter alone defined why having an interactive experience with a game makes games art. You can build relationships with characters in movies, in books, hell you can even have some interactivity with say, table top games and choose your own adventures, but the sheer amount of freedom given by games, within the confines of it's engine. Can lead to such beautiful and telling moments like this.

I will never forget xenoblade 3, I will never forget how it made me feel. Another game has made me sadder, but it is still just as unforgettable.

This game lives and dies by the people you play it with, whether that be randoms of friends. Or maybe I'm part of the minority again, there's hardly anything to really do besides collecting scrap, no greater end goal or large goals to work towards which would do wonders.

I feel like the game has built itself to be limited as to encourage people to interract? or made that a core part of the game? Probably wrong but I'm not informed just grasping at straws. Maybe some larger end goals to individually work for would go a long way to at least keep people like myself interested. But then again it probably just isn't my game and that's fine.

→☆↓↘△ (Dorya)
All these hours are from practicing electrics and fighting friends, probably my first fighting game and what I would recommend to others, no motion inputs, and mash friendly as well. Might be harder as you play more but this is just to get others into fighting games.

Thank you, Sjin for making me aware of this game. Stacking has got to be the most charming puzzle game I've ever played, with a simple but complex idea of using russian nesting dolls as the main puzzle mechanic, I loved playing this game from start to end and would recommend it to anyone and everyone.

This is an experience, one you need to experience untainted for the first time, you need to struggle when a puzzle is too hard and feel the satisfaction from solving it on your own, don't make the same mistake I did.

This is like the coolest game ever. Never gone through and finished it formally, but it's a really good game, story isn't super heavy but it doesn't need to be, I just need to be able to play as mcgyver and blow people up with the turkey dynamite, or play as the terminator and propel myself to the end of the level with just a minigun alone, or play as neo and send bullets back at people, you get my point.

Fun with friends. That's it. After I watched some youtubers play dead by daylight I forgot about it, and at some point it became competitive??? Welp, whoever is actually playing dead by daylight competitively I wish you luck.

Mad respect for the sheer number of collabs that this game has gone through, with the strangest weirdest series' I've ever seen. Still like the sweatiest fighting game I've ever seen and I don't plan on playing it any further.

Hey there, everybody. It's Ryu, from streets. Did you know? My favorite things are... jumping into late fierce, stale bread, water without any ice, the newest season of The Simpsons, aaaand Dirt. See you in street fighter five, everybody.

More seriously, game's aight, I play-a da mayor guy.

Don't you get it Jesse? I am the one that places the monkey farm instead of more towers.